Thursday, September 6, 2007

Michael Moore Hates America DVD - Part 3

Duration: 09:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-11 17:00:50
User: Timurid
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Michael Moore Hates America DVD - Part 3 I Encourage Everyone To Watch The Full Documentary (10 parts) enjoy

questionmark27 ::: Favorites
hehe, maybe this doco could have used a different title - at least you might have got your interview! i have to say i am really enjoying this movie (i'm a democrat) but i think the greatest disservice you did to this film was giving it this title. i feel you've approached the subject very fairly and constructed it in a balanced manner but from the outset, i thought it was gonna be a conservative rant
07-08-27 00:31:29
jeremyemilio ::: Favorites
I'm Canadian, Paul. Our health care system isn't perfect, but it's not the horror story American conservatives suggest. Two of my uncles are Doctors. One, a heart specialist, moved to Pheonix where he could make more. His wife now has Lou Gehrig's and he is being bled dry to pay expenses. My other uncle, in Calgary, is doing fine, thank you. Also, per citizen Americans pay double what we pay for health care. We pay through taxes, yes, but money paid to an HMO is just as gone.
07-08-18 10:25:01
paulwebb1 ::: Favorites
wow his sicko doc is a load of bull. i have family members who are nurses and doctors in my family. furthermore a friend of mine is a social securty fraud. he was posted in europe to investigate the european healthcare system for ten years and every report came back negative. the ideas he represents sound great on paper, but when you actually see the numbers that come out of your person paycheck or how horrible. you can rent it at netflix.
07-08-18 02:11:50
jeremyemilio ::: Favorites
Hi blb. I watch FOX news, and this film got plenty of publicity. It was also quite well funded for a first doc ($250,000 is around 5 times what Moore spent on his first film). It does, as you suggest, make some good points and add significantly to the debate (especially concerning the editing of Heston's speeches, and the Bank/firearm deal). I was just pointing out that it was a tad bit boring (as conservatives RIGHTLY point out in their critique of liberal talk radio).
07-08-17 20:43:14
blb2121 ::: Favorites
so you're saying you realize the difference between a heavily funded, heavily advertised propagandist and a small independent film maker? awesome. Does that debunk the points made about Moore's manipulative methods, distortions of facts and use of contextomy in his film making? Let me answer for you. No, it doesn't.
07-08-17 17:31:04
jeremyemilio ::: Favorites
Paul, hate to break it to you, but NOBODY watched the whole thing. This film is impossible to find anywhere else, yet it's been on YouTube for over 3 months and part one has just over 12, 000 viewers, which dwindles to 3000 by part 10. The Sicko trailer has 300,000 views in under 3 months. Yet Michael Moore represents the fringes and somehow this guy represents the American majority... all 3000 of you who managed to stay awake through the whole thizzzzzzzzzzzzzz..zzzzzzz
07-08-17 16:09:42
paulwebb1 ::: Favorites
you obviously didn't watch the whole thing. i watched both it blows holes in michael moore's documentary big time.
07-08-15 19:09:12
muffinpies ::: Favorites
these people are making very weak arguments! i want to hear every side of the story but this is just plain boring & im not really getting anything out of it!
07-08-13 14:53:02
kjnm81 ::: Favorites
I can't believe Micheal Moore is 53 years old..he looks great for his age!
07-08-07 04:09:49
krthomps ::: Favorites
Of course, I wouldn't want anyone to shoot you, DsmndRay or anyone else except in self-defense. But guess what? That is because I hold certain IDEAS about individual rights and the initiation of force. My ideas have consequences too, and one of them is that you don't get shot. So you should be VERY concerned about the content of other's ideas. And by the way, you may still love and support those that disagree with you, but I hate you and everyone like you. And I am proud of it.
07-08-05 04:59:38

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