Saturday, November 3, 2007


Duration: 03:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-03 10:25:53
User: Carambelle
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I sure do miss winter, but making this video made up for it a bit. The music is from a Cd my brother got when he was learning to play violin, it called Snöflingor (Snowflakes in swedish).

The Pointless (yet amazing) Adventures of Scott Tish

Duration: 00:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-15 11:32:12
User: LittleMissStewpid
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Scott Tish's FIRST adventure!!

DOAX2 P.D. SPv 02 [Lei-fang ver.]

Duration: 02:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-27 18:07:37
User: files9a
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many camera.


fastflog ::: Favorites
07-11-03 08:38:22
lavie66 ::: Favorites
yeaaaa!! nice vid!
07-11-03 05:46:10

Mao became 17 in Russia!!! 070925

Duration: 00:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-25 12:18:44
User: tagmats000
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happy birthday Mao.


vbmkianoconnell20 ::: Favorites
Happy Birthday!
07-09-30 14:03:46
HelTra91 ::: Favorites
happy birthday mao!
07-09-26 23:30:03
catcherr ::: Favorites
:) Happy Birthday, Mao-chan!
07-09-26 09:34:27
bibiskating ::: Favorites
07-09-25 15:49:49

Gears of Turning [Another Fastest Video]

Duration: 00:0 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-18 09:40:54
User: latias93
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Unlike the most popular fastest video that is TOTALLY inanimate and black screen, mine has moving parts in it! Note: This video is not by me, it is uploaded for testing.. 1..2..3..


TheSarahAndRosie ::: Favorites
right... random...
07-11-01 13:40:23
latias93 ::: Favorites
Yup.. you got dat right.
07-11-03 05:44:18
latias93 ::: Favorites
07-09-19 03:34:40

Guitar Hero II-360: Ex's and Oh's 100%

Duration: 04:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-01 23:31:10
User: PriestMLH
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Ex's and Oh's by Atreyu One of the three new Indie Label DLC from the 360, definitely the easiest to FC, but not too easy, and the first SP activation was being a bitch =(. Oh and random Disconnects ftw =P...I'll have to do it again for the online leaderboard.


dopefreak ::: Favorites
wow that solo was sick man cant belive u nailed all that nice post man
07-11-01 17:38:19
bisnap ::: Favorites
i got -9 on this song on my sightread :) nice job priest
07-10-25 18:29:09
myspacceer ::: Favorites
errr well there's an explanation for that look up (i think the title was) "shitbox 360" usually the red lights indicate a system error, the way the red flashes indicate specifically what the problem is
07-10-23 21:32:19
bommyc2 ::: Favorites
Only a holy man could do it.
07-10-21 17:08:26
Theb3av ::: Favorites
it sais 866 not 666
07-10-21 04:53:49
aerodynamic24 ::: Favorites
that means somthing is screwed up with the cord connections on your xbox. i have it all the time. just look out for 4 ;D red ring of doom. lmao.
07-10-19 22:05:33
Earo19 ::: Favorites
woah thats amazing..btw if your xbox 360 has three flashing red lights whats wrong with it?i mean i know something wrong but i cant think of anyreason for it to break down unless it was overheating or something...
07-10-19 14:31:09
blada600 ::: Favorites
buy me an xbox 360.
07-10-17 17:08:05
goldskarr ::: Favorites
he's god,apperantly.
07-10-17 11:49:29
Nuclearlion73 ::: Favorites
Wish this was on ps2 =/ preist you pwn. change ``preist`` to ``god`` =P
07-10-17 05:43:58

tech deck ING

Duration: 00:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-23 11:44:02
User: hooverchoover
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we are useing our new cam


megaweekendclub ::: Favorites
hahahahahahah at 0:28 look on the left you can see another finger person
07-09-23 12:44:01
hooverchoover ::: Favorites
i can do beter!
07-09-23 12:39:21


Duration: 01:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-19 22:17:44
User: manuelsouthpark
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watch this funny video of a cartoon lmfao comment rate plz


manuelsouthpark ::: Favorites
funny shit
07-10-24 18:35:05
pixledemon ::: Favorites
Shit nigga son, this jus like da hood homie.
07-10-21 13:50:18
manuelsouthpark ::: Favorites
yeah i no
07-10-22 23:07:15
koalaunderground ::: Favorites
07-10-23 02:12:17
manuelsouthpark ::: Favorites
do u no some 1 like that
07-10-23 15:43:28
manuelsouthpark ::: Favorites
funny ass fuck dude
07-10-03 03:23:34
koalaunderground ::: Favorites
lol hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah{not really its not dat funny}
07-09-22 00:23:11
manuelsouthpark ::: Favorites
well it is if u no some 1 like that
07-10-22 23:07:03
123kayceeflores ::: Favorites
funny stuff im crazy naaa im crazy naa
07-09-20 22:01:36
manuelsouthpark ::: Favorites
wat r u doing bitch slowly lol
07-09-20 21:56:20

Dance, Baby Dance (original) Brad Campbell Remix

Duration: 06:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-17 16:58:17
User: BradCampbell63
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Not counting this video to to 52 originals in 52 weeks (already posted in another version). Got home for a few days and people who normally hear me play asked me to post this version which is the version I play at home. Please let me no if you perfer this or the slide version..thanks Brad :)


Aalborgje12 ::: Favorites
Okay Brad wil do so thanks
07-10-17 15:25:35
Aalborgje12 ::: Favorites
this is one of your best songs,I love your voice halelujah
07-10-17 12:02:54
Aalborgje12 ::: Favorites
sork.. I MEAN WORK (oh dear my grammar is terible hahaahaaa, your voice is doing that to a girl,confusingly beautiful)
07-09-28 07:10:11
Aalborgje12 ::: Favorites
here it is 13:o6 in the afternoon my sork is already done for this day ,you have great day Bradwiththeblues, wow what a voice .....
07-09-28 07:08:10
Aalborgje12 ::: Favorites
so great music, mister Brad..wowie loved every minute of it,the other song is good too,this one is softer,but your voice is perfect on both songs.... thirza
07-09-28 06:43:51
jordanthecat ::: Favorites
I prefer this version, personally. Much gentler. The cat in the background of the slide version seemed somewhat alarmed, and I agree with him/her.*****
07-09-19 19:03:46
Ottawarocket ::: Favorites
Both versions are great Brad..But I like this one best....Hope you are doing well Bro Rocket
07-09-19 16:56:01
jpcoud ::: Favorites
merci pour les bleus mais en ce moment ils ne sont pas très blues ou fort. Je trouve que tu es un type génial
07-09-19 13:59:54
jpcoud ::: Favorites
très bien le blues merci ce moment de plaisirs
07-09-19 07:30:51
zneella ::: Favorites
Thanks Brad.yeah i think Mr. Waits is one of the true kings. new 5.;o)
07-09-18 22:42:56

Custom Songs - Universal Mind

Duration: 08:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-24 16:16:03
User: PriestMLH
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Universal Mind by Liquid Tension Experiment Really fun song, but also really play Lead, Bass, Piano, Synth in this's a strange one, but I can't get enough of it


Wishy22 ::: Favorites
07-10-26 21:40:06
fishknife123 ::: Favorites
its circus music..ol
07-10-22 18:21:14
AllHailZeppelin ::: Favorites
At 7:48 what's that tune called? Its obviously so familiar but what is it?
07-10-21 04:53:51
yoohooman14 ::: Favorites
wow at 2:38
07-10-20 10:22:14
kh2freek ::: Favorites
Define miracle. Those parts would be easier to HOPO than strum, IF they were possible. They are not.
07-10-17 17:44:37
crotgut ::: Favorites
at 3 minutes its boring to you? that looked so freaking intense!
07-10-16 18:17:59
Jakemaca ::: Favorites
haha FC possible? my ass
07-10-16 13:04:49
burton1581 ::: Favorites
what a boring song...intro is fun though
07-10-15 00:52:57
GTRPUNK95 ::: Favorites
Awesome Song! FC possible.
07-10-14 12:14:45
MrMss4 ::: Favorites
what a cool song
07-10-12 23:52:28

Starting to Compare

Duration: 04:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-01 05:18:40
User: LosAngelesColours
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OMG, a love square! Ryan/Marissa/Henri/Taylor. Though mostly about Ryan and his need to get over Marissa and love Taylor. Cuz face it...he really did smile more with Taylor! Song: All At Once by The Fray Pairings: Ryan/Taylor Slight Ryan/Marissa Slight Taylor/Henri Fandom: The OC


LosAngelesColours ::: Favorites
07-10-31 00:39:35
cheery22 ::: Favorites
This was amazing. I love both RT and RM, so in my opinion this pretty much rocked :D
07-10-30 19:35:01
LosAngelesColours ::: Favorites
i wish it could have gone on longer as well! But, at least Ryan and Taylor got back together in the end! thanks for such a wonderful comment! <3
07-10-30 15:59:38
bedfordgirl ::: Favorites
I LOVE THIS!! The split screen effects were really great, and perfect choice of clips! I love the song, too. Not to mention that Ryan&Taylor are one of my favorite couples. I liked Marissa, too, but she was way too much of a drama queen for Ryan, but with Taylor he was truly happy... I love them together! Taylor makes me laugh every time :) Season 4 was perfect, I was so sad after the finale, this show would have deserved a few more seasons. GREAT JOB!
07-10-30 14:34:13
LosAngelesColours ::: Favorites
Thanks for such a great comment Taylor! The split screen I got using a effect called cookie cutter! <33
07-10-29 15:10:35
dylanmudd ::: Favorites
Great vid. I love ryan and marissa and ryan and taylor(my name is taylor)although i thought that no one should be with ryan exept for marissa but after she died and he started going out with taylor i got used to them. Now i love ryan and taylor.How did you get the vid to split right down the middle? Awsome song.
07-10-29 14:11:27
LosAngelesColours ::: Favorites
thank you!
07-10-20 15:58:15
OClover217 ::: Favorites
You did a really good job. I was thinking of using thinking of using this song for a r/m/t video. Its perfect I am probaly going 2 have him with marissa. Excellent though!!
07-10-20 08:48:06
LosAngelesColours ::: Favorites
I'm glad someone agrees that Taylor was better for Ryan! It was a much healthier relationship even with their problems! Thanks for such a sweet comment! <3
07-10-19 22:03:21
whitelilly0989 ::: Favorites
OMG! This is the perfect song choice for what you wanted to show. I loved the split screen idea and I loved the 'to someone not there' when you switched Marissa for Taylor. Let's face it, Ryan was happier with Taylor... that's how it was. =) RT for ever!!!
07-10-19 14:48:49

Halo 3 chatroom

Duration: 02:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-27 17:24:14
User: guitarwatcher44566
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funny at least i tink so.


TAGXO ::: Favorites
kinda lame
07-10-01 23:16:08
punkrockprincexxx ::: Favorites
I agree with paco Jam out 2 them bones...Y did u put the Paco thing in I do that school just 2 mess around but watever it's ur vid TY
07-09-27 19:44:07

loca's premium dog shampoo

Duration: 00:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-18 00:36:42
User: beaner2840
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lil loca