Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mr. Uncomfortable: Episode 3

Duration: 10:21 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-14 23:33:10
User: smpfilms
:::: Favorites

See Epidsode 4 - Now Available!

Deathwisher666 ::: Favorites
I like your videos.. but.. erhm.... comedy is not your strong side. ;)
06-08-22 08:02:20
t3spark ::: Favorites
muck sticks the bomb he makes me smile lol
06-08-23 03:10:32
beemer567 ::: Favorites
haha his face at 8:46
06-10-02 23:43:51
ve3xls ::: Favorites
Tourettes Guy!! Totally fake, but totally hilarious.
06-10-26 03:24:50
tkmsworld ::: Favorites
This is painful to watch. I know why he's called "Mr. Uncomfortable" now.
07-03-14 04:08:45
Supamanman ::: Favorites
he's wearing lightbulbs!!!
07-03-14 18:12:03
AirForceWife824 ::: Favorites
funny, u didn't look arabic, but you sure sounded it.
07-03-21 20:23:03
bobkarla ::: Favorites
I was thinking of the samething,.. Livewire-
07-03-23 01:33:52
hellonoob123 ::: Favorites
............../´¯/)...........(\¯`\ ............/....//..............\\....\ .........../....//................\\....\ ...../´¯/..../´¯\.........../¯`\....\¯`\ .././.../..../..../.|_......_|.\....\....\...\.\.. (.(....(....(..../.)..)..(..(.\....)....)....).) .\................\/.../....\...\/................/ ..\................. /........\................../ ....\..............(............)............../ ......\.............\.........../.............
07-05-07 13:34:30
switchbladekids ::: Favorites
how big is your penis?
07-07-25 02:15:16

Wolfowitz begs for his job

Duration: 02:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-16 09:57:48
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Embattled World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz Tuesday pleaded to the World Bank Executive Board for fairness in deciding his fate and promised changes in his management style in an effort to hold on to his job. In a lengthy address to the 24-member board, Wolfowitz presented a package of documents that he said prove he acted in good faith in arranging a promotion and pay raise for his girlfriend, Shaha Riza. A copy of the address and the documents were provided to reporters by his attorney. "To criticize my actions or to find them as a basis for a loss of confidence would be grossly unfair," he told the board. He said a careful reading of his evidence will "conclude I acted in what I believe were the best interests of the institution."

jimmyratz ::: Favorites
Wolfowitz was interviewed in a German magazine about whether the United States really believed that Sadam had Weapons of Mass Destruction prior to the U.S. attacking and occupying Iraq. His reply was..."We knew that Iraq had no Weapons of Mass Destruction...but they were swiming in oil, what were we to do?"
07-06-08 20:17:02

El videoclip de "Ponte el cinturón"

Duration: 01:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-21 06:52:44
User: cuatro
:::: Favorites

Concha García Campoy, Gonzalo Miró y el resto del equipo de Las Mañanas de Cuatro han hecho el primer videoclip con la canción estrella de Factor X: "Ponte el cinturón".

diablo460 ::: Favorites
bripac lo que dices es muy cierto, pero ay ke tomarse las cosas con un poco de umor. que se rian no quiere decir qe no valoren el mensaje
07-07-27 14:02:32
ParBRIPAC ::: Favorites
Claro, si se que ahi que tomarselo con humor, pero por aqui.. se lo toman como algo mas que HUMOR. Un saludo =)
07-07-27 16:02:41
navedu ::: Favorites
Que ganas de subirse al carro del exito. No hay nada peor en un video clip que hacer lo mismo que esta diciendo la canción en ese momento. POr mas que sea un videoclip de coña, podria haberse exprimido un poco el cerebro. Es muy malo, sin gracia y se les ve a todos con ganas de aprovecharse del exito de silvia padilla. muy feo chicos, sigan intentandolo. besooooo
07-07-29 04:04:13
Confrocon ::: Favorites
Lo que me faltaba, el Gonzalito Miró haciendo el payaso
07-08-02 12:07:27
alacacacaca ::: Favorites
dios mio++'
07-08-07 08:39:29
Nena93loka ::: Favorites
me parece patetico de que copien a la persona mas patetica que ha pasao por la tele!!! es penoso dioos, la tia hace gracia porque parece una loca psicopata pero de aqui a que hagan esta payasada¿? me parece una sobrada...
07-08-07 16:11:13
culifrusi ::: Favorites
qe cabrones sacando pasta a la costa de la pobre mujer del factor X. TNDRIA k acer el video ella i no estos..¬¬
07-08-08 18:09:11
Golfinnder ::: Favorites
ya veras que risa cuando os fostieis y os tengan que recoger con una pala ^^ PD: Gonzalo Miro es Don Ramon del Chavo del 8 xDD
07-08-10 14:48:00
loeaumetal ::: Favorites
la niña ya tienes mas pelo en el koño k la madre
07-08-11 08:17:36
Aranaoner ::: Favorites
XO K MIERDA ES ESTA JODER deacuerdo kon nena92loka y kon navedu. ¬¬'
07-08-13 11:51:27

Jonas Brothers - Hold On

Duration: 03:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-30 02:56:23
User: phunkydiskoboy
:::: Favorites

from their new album due out on August 7th

angel08225 ::: Favorites
i love the jonas brother nick is sooooooooooooooooooo hottttttttttttttt
07-07-31 21:57:41

Nesta skills [ AC Milan 2-1 Liverpool ]

Duration: 00:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-05 08:23:51
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

Final Athens 2007

mario12br ::: Favorites
very good, Nesta ... try to make a copilation of his whole season now ...
07-06-08 20:16:31
nmuakka10 ::: Favorites
great defender
07-06-12 12:00:52
tdv123 ::: Favorites
The Gerad one was brilliant.
07-07-12 19:03:58

Lick My Balls - Funny Freestyle Rap

Duration: 01:07 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-17 23:59:03
User: smpfilms
:::: Favorites

This is what Mr. Safety looks like when he's writing music. He was also the guy who wrote the song "Make Poop".. google it! This wasn't ment to blow up like it did, my girlfriend was just bored and started recording me writing music.. don't worry, then new song won't sound like that.. in fact.. you can hear how it really sounds here on you tube.. WATCH THIS VIDEO:

qwareverse ::: Favorites
your an idiot
07-07-13 14:43:01
samari418 ::: Favorites
if they so sweaty why dont u go take a bath to wash em
07-07-25 02:16:30
amped51 ::: Favorites
07-07-28 03:57:44
hussainq2shea ::: Favorites
hhahahahaa lol like like lekedy like
07-07-29 15:52:19
skippypastel ::: Favorites
dude, .. you suck.
07-07-29 21:00:51
DimisPinoy ::: Favorites
dumb bitch
07-08-01 11:39:19
LuckieDuckie94 ::: Favorites
lmao!! thats like the funnies thing in da world!!! hehe! holy shet still laughing!
07-08-02 23:27:03
thomasinesweetwifeiv ::: Favorites
Find a fun fling today at DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-10 19:41:10
midwestbangin ::: Favorites
stupid song tell his girlfriend he humped me
07-08-16 13:53:20
robjack21 ::: Favorites
thats funny shit
07-08-17 05:23:44

The LA TIMES thinks I'm British???

Duration: 07:44 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-13 04:20:24
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

Journalism at it's shining, most thoroughly researched best. I did actually like the article, and he didn't misquote me or take me out of context... I just found his writing style amusing is all :) No hard feelings Mr.Rushfield GO GO BUFFALO! The article is titled "got hits Or maybe they've just got game" November 12, 2006 By Richard Rushfield / Times Staff Writer,1,3716157.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

ArcticDragon613 ::: Favorites
So the true question is... does this said 'reporter' have a you tube account himself?! Gah, thats the most rediculous (spelling?) article ive ever heard... Youtube is simply here for entertainment...
07-05-26 08:13:32
SweetthingSweety ::: Favorites
you're famous or something?
07-06-01 13:56:34
pantalonesconqueso ::: Favorites
Perhaps the article was a sarcastic view that this "cheating" means absolutely nothing,
07-06-02 10:53:06
kawaiifluff ::: Favorites
Im british :( its not that bad
07-06-15 18:51:26
angelodeluce ::: Favorites
hahaha very nice and gd british accent lol
07-06-23 05:25:44
RobL2008 ::: Favorites
these are americans, blunty! they think scottish haggis is a furry animal! FACT!
07-07-14 15:18:41
CassetteMaster ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHHAAH!! Atomic monkeys! HAHAHHA!
07-07-17 09:41:30
KDvidsProductions ::: Favorites
07-08-12 08:53:52
Ceesec ::: Favorites
Rly do thay think that??? well scotland isnt known very well then :(
07-08-18 09:41:58
Ceesec ::: Favorites
when pepole say britan thay usaly mean england witch is rly anyoing!!!!
07-08-18 09:44:16

WESTWOOD Kelly Rowland with Westwood

Duration: 06:52 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-28 07:25:20
User: timwestwoodtv
:::: Favorites

Westwood chats with Kelly Rowland about her new album 'Ms. Kelly', an ex-boyfriend, and Westwood's choice on the hottet member of Destiny's Child.

cynthiasoka ::: Favorites
that was a hot interview
07-07-03 10:42:14
TYEWE ::: Favorites
Hahahaha i love da part when she says..''I'm a good woman''!!
07-07-04 03:12:03
TYEWE ::: Favorites
07-07-04 03:15:41
xxtfabulousxx ::: Favorites
love kelly
07-07-25 10:31:59
Goddess2189 ::: Favorites
she's adorable! "i'm a good woman1" lol. i love it!
07-07-26 01:37:33
prbstar12 ::: Favorites
07-08-08 13:51:06
misspink6287 ::: Favorites
she said "I don't know"!!!! HILARIOUS!!
07-08-10 04:12:32

Elvis just pretend 1970

Duration: 04:21 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-26 13:15:12
User: sueres
:::: Favorites

elvis presley video of 1970

gillc004 ::: Favorites
woooo it's great m8 it's elvis hehe haha
07-03-30 16:53:06
toratora5 ::: Favorites
07-08-06 08:34:25
tiffamye1949 ::: Favorites
07-08-16 19:59:07

Spooky secret Message

Duration: 00:24 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-11 07:54:18
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites


CityzenJane ::: Favorites
you just scared the shit out of my cat...seriously...hahahh
06-12-24 00:12:17
Cipri ::: Favorites
damnnn and i wasted my time reversing it..
06-12-28 22:07:15
Anim3Lov3r13oy ::: Favorites
whatis he saying?
07-01-02 20:33:10
csh150 ::: Favorites
That was hilarious :D, I knew it'd be something like that, knowing your crazy ass
07-01-18 20:58:01
thebeerwafer ::: Favorites
why say nothing significant!
07-02-11 06:40:30
thebeerwafer ::: Favorites
he explains how to reverse it then he says if you did it you've wasted your time as he said nothing significant.
07-02-11 06:42:00
Edward256 ::: Favorites
OMG I FELL FOR IT! :P And I'll tell the secret... Audacity, Set input to Stereo Mix, Close window a few times, then started recording.
07-03-18 09:29:03
LegoDude8000 ::: Favorites
What does it say backwards...
07-05-24 23:26:14
LegoDude8000 ::: Favorites
He tricked me
07-05-24 23:29:03
Kabij ::: Favorites
ya that was a decent waste of time oh well.
07-07-15 13:07:27

Desapariciones, el Ser de Évora... Cuarto Milenio

Duration: 02:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-14 11:36:33
User: cuatro
:::: Favorites
Description: Personas que se esfuman de la noche a la mañana sin dejar huella. El hallazgo de un extraño ser, para muchos un extraterrestre, en Portugal. Y un bebé capaz de hablar en latín. Cuarto Milenio, domingos a las 22:30 horas en Cuatro

doritacutecuteylh ::: Favorites
Nice vid. For hot cams girls try out CAMAZONCAMS dot COM
07-08-18 20:52:34

Joe Biden blowing off the miner's widow

Duration: 02:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-07 21:21:08
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

Not an auspicious moment for Senator Biden.

HeilFire ::: Favorites
fuckin cocksuker heil satan
07-08-07 23:55:57
quixoto ::: Favorites
This is yet another failure of the actual debate itself. Why can't we have these candidates talk to each other in some kind of free-form politically incorrect/McGluachan Group type forum instead of all this theater. Honestly, no one cares about this woman's husband, just the issues that affect us.
07-08-08 01:16:23
quixoto ::: Favorites
And yes both me and Unky Biden up there are both enormous assholes for bringing this to light. But we're not trying to win a popularity contest here... Well, at least I'm not. >_<
07-08-08 01:18:07
indyattic ::: Favorites
The guy who buys mines, then bankrupts them to avoid unions and pensions is a Clinton contributor.
07-08-10 13:20:23
Toxik03 ::: Favorites
He answered the question quickly but when you are going up against Clinton and Obama the media's corrupt candidates you have to answer 2 questions when given the few seconds to speak... Biden is fighting the biggest evil the Media...We need to look beyond that..
07-08-12 21:52:06

Moore Plays the Blame Game

Duration: 02:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-13 16:05:35
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

(ABC Good Morning America) "When filmmaker Michael Moore attacks a problem, he also likes to place blame. In "SiCKO," his new movie about the state of the American health-care industry, he blames the industry, the government and the media for not asking the tough questions. On "Good Morning America" today, Moore told ABC's Chris Cuomo that he was concerned that the health-care debate would go the way of the war debate, where he also thinks the media is to blame. He said that had journalists confronted the government about its decision to invade Iraq, they could have saved thousands of lives."

BSAlert ::: Favorites
Most Americans down even know that leading up to the invasion of Iraq, there were HUGE, HUGE worldwide protests against the war that the mainstream media virtually ignored. In fact, Michael Moore directed a brilliant music video for System of a Down called "Boom" showing much of this footage - search for "boom" and moore on YouTube and you'll find it. This is what the media ignored that to this day the American people never saw.
07-06-13 22:48:53
jasto ::: Favorites
Oh please, Moore is completely right. I can't believe the indignation of this reporter. Everyone who has given Bush a pass is suddenly wondering how on earth this man did what he did. Disgusting.
07-06-13 22:50:37
BSAlert ::: Favorites
Here's Michael Moore's video on the war - put this after youtube(dot)com/watch?v=qV3bql50fUE
07-06-13 22:52:50
BSAlert ::: Favorites
You know if the Bush administration didn't play the blame game, George W would take responsibility for the WTC bombings. After all, he had intelligence of the attack beforehand, and he ignored it according to the 9/11 commission. So let's be honest about who really plays the blame game to the hilt.
07-06-13 22:55:01
Hanshiro7 ::: Favorites
Thanks modwheel. Cuomo's dazed mien at 1:53, when Moore bluntly restates the truth that Cuomo tried to scuttle away from says it all.
07-06-13 23:02:45
GOPeagle ::: Favorites
Moore should not have backed down. The weasel journalist pulled out "the heroic troops" for cover bs just like all wingers do. That is what our country has come to. All you have to do is mention "the courageous men and women in uniform" and everyone is supposed to fall in line and agree with whatever crap you are selling.
07-06-13 23:19:01
DebbyDeb ::: Favorites
The media is complicit in the deaths of soldiers. That can't be said enough. Anyone who lived through the buildup to the war (and that should be anyone alive today) knows that the mainstream media held hands with the White House, helping to sell the war to the country AND pooh-poohed dissent.
07-06-14 00:33:33
xdir ::: Favorites
Moore is completely right, the embedded media including Woodruff went along for the ride. I dont care he got bombed he wa sitting in an Armoured Humvee with Soldiers, which means in a war zone he was legitimate target. I do feel sorry for every other journalist who got killed or injured giving a non-partisan view of the war, especialy those of the British ITN service who where attacked and killed by by US troops.
07-06-14 04:47:50
1253mv ::: Favorites
this reporter is the definition of "tool".
07-06-14 05:22:44
clodelle ::: Favorites
Shame on the mass media and the so-called journalists in United States and shame on the public of burger brains lazy anti-intellectual ethnocentric Americans for letting them lead everybody into this mass murderers terrorist mess. May the evil you have been spreading for decades in Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the middle East all come back to you!
07-06-14 05:37:33


Duration: 06:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-19 15:11:03
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

(3/19/07) Lieberman pulls out the nuclear threat again with Norah O'Donnell.

prudishowsgirlgl ::: Favorites
The hottest girls in college on webcam at ( camsuniversity dot com )
07-07-28 07:38:39

January 1, 2006 Prediction Special

Duration: 05:52 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-11 14:02:00
User: thehotline
:::: Favorites

Pundits make political predictions for 2006.

La opinión de Iñaki Gabilondo. Noticias 4, 21:00h, Jueves 19

Duration: 01:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-20 08:08:46
User: cuatro
:::: Favorites

"Las imágenes y las palabras de Cho, grabadas después de acabar con sus dos primeras victimas y antes de matar a otras treinta, son sin duda el impacto del día en todo el mundo"

Nedvedinho ::: Favorites
Grande Iñaki, grande como siempre. Menos mal que quedan mentes inteligentes de cara a la opinión pública en este pais.
07-04-23 09:01:24

Pakistan Cricket advert with Geoff Lawson & Imran Khan

Duration: 00:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-14 13:46:39
User: PakPassionVideos
:::: Favorites

An old Channel 9 advert from the 1980s promoting the World Series Cricket. Features Imran Khan, Viv Richards, Clive Lloyd, Javed Miandad , Geoff Lawson, Allan Border and others.

ViolentRyo ::: Favorites
Awesome, thanks for upping!
07-07-15 18:26:28
ednan9 ::: Favorites
don't think pakis is a racist word..just a short of pakistanis..thats all....don't considered it racist because it has no meaning
07-07-15 23:42:56
someoneyourknow ::: Favorites
It is racist because of it usage in England. Like those pakis has done ... . Secondly it is wrong use anyway the correct word is Pakistanis
07-07-17 06:36:41
ednan9 ::: Favorites
may be in england but no in US...cause english are stupid...pakistani is a long word...nice and short is you call afghan not afghanistani...anyway, it has no meaning at all for me
07-07-17 15:07:38
asfeen ::: Favorites
It all depends on the context. like in this particular ad, it does not sound racist at all; but some time british cricketers have used it in racist way too.
07-07-17 19:06:21
asfeen ::: Favorites
The Windies, the Pakis and the Ausies... :)
07-07-17 19:08:38
sluitekhi ::: Favorites
cool aid, but how come they took mudassar along side imran and javed, dint we have any player better than him, he was an avg player, God knows how he managed to play for so long
07-07-25 02:35:20
AhmedZulfi ::: Favorites
Pakis is offensive btw
07-07-30 20:11:47
YQBKHAN ::: Favorites
Being a Pakistani in Uk ,though it is used as a racist comment, but to honest I dont feel like it.Inzimam -ul-Haq is called Inzi all over the world by his teeam mates,media and oppositions ,same like some one is saying about Afghans, we got bigger things to worry about rather than being called Pakis
07-08-04 04:32:35
666Sul786 ::: Favorites
PMSL!! Can u imagine of they released that now? With all the political correctness? lmao, and besides, imPakistani, but I dont get too wound up by being called a paki, becuase "Pak" means clean and pure so paki technically means cleany, which is also why I laugh when people sometimes call me a dirty Paki ecuase its a bit of an oxymoron... lol, still cool effects considering it was made in the 80's.
07-08-09 13:32:40

La opinión de Iñaki Gabilondo. Noticias 4, 21:00h, Vierns 25

Duration: 01:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-28 10:45:13
User: cuatro
:::: Favorites

"El partido del próximo domingo lo afronta el PP con más motivación. Cree que le robaron la final del 2004 y aguarda con impaciencia la revancha. Su juego es bronco, leñero. Ha embarrado el campo y lo ha convertido en un fangal impracticable."

CensurameCobarde ::: Favorites
Estoy super triste al ver como en los medios de comunicación en españa estan tratando el tema RCTV, dicen q este canal ha sido cerrado por ser opositor a chavez omitiendo el resto de la informacion y enalteciaendo la libertad de información y defendiendo así a RCTV en todos los canales informativos. Pido por favor q alguien saque un video dandonos una información objetiva sobre lo q está pasando y q refleje la manipulación de nuestros medios informativos en españa. Gracias
07-05-28 11:29:21
TheOutsider0099 ::: Favorites
Yo no veo que aqui se haya mencionado el caso de RCTV...Asi que no entiendo a que viene ese comentario... De todos modos, aqui muchos pensamos que es un hecho lamentable, seamos de izquierdas o de derechas... Pero en este caso, las elecciones son una noticia que nos repercute más y aqui se habla de ello...Si quieres escuchar algo sobre este tema, en un telediario español, tendrías que ver el telediario completo.Y no sé si alguién habrá colgado algo sobre eso.
07-05-29 07:08:40
KDolmen ::: Favorites
Este tío es imbécil.
07-05-30 05:42:27

50 Cent on Westwood Radio 1 (part one)

Duration: 08:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-06 14:11:17
User: timwestwoodtv
:::: Favorites

Westwood in the studio with 50 Cent on BBC Radio 1 50 talks about his new album "Curtis" which is due to be released on June 25th '07.

theaphexchin ::: Favorites
07-06-07 10:59:21
MCpure ::: Favorites
brappage lmao... thats a new one!! ha
07-07-20 12:41:22
JayslayJay ::: Favorites
50 Cent gonna get it all this time too!!! G-UNIT!!!!
07-07-17 17:29:12
yeahok612 ::: Favorites
dose anyone have any newer interview or studio sessions. cuz i thought Curtis was comin out Sep 11 same as Kanye
07-07-24 13:09:13
yougotmail2 ::: Favorites
i heard the same, sept 11
07-08-07 07:33:23
moan166 ::: Favorites
yeah it should be
07-08-07 19:07:34
fLaVaProductionz ::: Favorites
try funk master flex's youtube channel hes got a recent interview wid 50
07-08-08 16:03:28
tranjohn ::: Favorites
dammmmmmnnn...nigga got a nightclub up in his house!!!
07-08-08 14:04:24

gatoso skills [ AC Milan 2-2 AS Roma ]

Duration: 00:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-22 02:46:19
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

copa italia 2006/2007 milan-roma in sansiro