Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sora/Roxas Easier to run

Duration: 03:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-07 23:42:39
User: Thatdumakid
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Sorry for lack of originality.. Won 2nd place in Gamersean's Kingdom Hearts AMV contest #4 Won 2nd in Deathspank's top 5 on Inspirations for this vid: shinnie04, budds and Metruzero. Okay, so since school started,I wont be makeing as many amvs. So I tried to make a really good amv..instead you get this XD. Enjoy Need better quality?: Honors: (Sep 8th) #61 - Most Discussed (Today) - Film & Animation THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FAN-MADE AND IS IN NO WAY INVOLVED WITH THE VIDEO GAME OR MUSICAL ARTIST. I OWN NOTHING :O

PoogBoy ::: Favorites
i like it, but i think you're using the mask thing too much. btw, where do you get the program??
07-09-15 16:39:41
PoogBoy ::: Favorites
im pretty sure its linkin park.
07-09-15 16:38:38
tallboy44 ::: Favorites
omfg how do you mask
07-09-12 16:31:24
tallboy44 ::: Favorites
what do you mean awesome ness, me i say, AMAZING!!
07-09-12 16:30:07
tallboy44 ::: Favorites
what i dont kid is that my vid got first in gameseans amv contest and beat you, but i didnt even place in Deathspanks top 5 and you got second XD, i dont get it any sweet vid
07-09-12 16:21:02
danceandshutup ::: Favorites
awesome ness
07-09-11 18:54:02
Hohnoroa ::: Favorites
Amazing...if I could say something else, I would,
07-09-11 17:17:31
Sekhmet9Isis ::: Favorites
wow! very cool :)
07-09-10 18:38:30
Thatdumakid ::: Favorites
Hence I said, "Sorry for lack of originality.." XD Sorry, I didnt notice how simular the parts were..:(
07-09-09 20:50:10
budds ::: Favorites
You did copy a lot of stuff I did in my part of my video XD Nice video still
07-09-09 20:41:23

Half lion, half tiger - it's a liger

Duration: 01:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-19 11:14:27
User: videoexclusive
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Visitors to a German zoo can visit a pair of rare animals who are half lion, half tiger -otherwise known as ligers. The 17-year old animals are the result of a love affair between a female tiger and a male lion who were kept in the same enclosure. The two ligers live in "Noah's Ark" zoo on Germany's Baltic coast. The zoo says the animals are so rare, that only two other ligers exist in the world.

jfroste ::: Favorites
woah ligers crazy and real
07-09-19 23:50:04
Rhenoism ::: Favorites
Only two in the world? The others must have been put down, then. I know there used to be at least 5 in Idaho alone.
07-09-05 05:02:51
ArabianStig ::: Favorites
talk about forbidden lovemaking XD
07-08-31 17:33:11
focusfitnessonline ::: Favorites
it is not a love affair it was mutated in a lab. they are not ligers they are liars
07-08-28 12:42:13
pierce284 ::: Favorites
i saw some in american zoos
07-08-26 20:54:26
psc2006 ::: Favorites
Legal este cara, alguém sabe o nome dele?
07-07-26 16:31:45
nicegaara12345 ::: Favorites
ligers are my favoright animals ^^
07-07-20 23:07:52

Billy Wingrove

Duration: 02:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-22 01:32:58
User: agakla
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ayhankutlu ::: Favorites
billy is good football player
07-09-18 13:33:32
solid408 ::: Favorites
NO!! you suck
07-09-16 22:09:18
ConradFreestyle ::: Favorites
billy is not the worlds best freestyler. he sucks!
07-09-15 12:11:58
anhkhoashevakt ::: Favorites
you can list the top 30 best freestyler in the world WITHOUT Billy ! But he is the most known, so people will call you shit to have said that to their idol. So just ignore him and really Palle is the best.
07-09-15 04:39:30
anhkhoashevakt ::: Favorites
Billy ? BEtter than Tsat ! Must be kidding or you didn't watch any of Tsat's vids.
07-09-15 04:36:28
anhkhoashevakt ::: Favorites
yeah ! Real freestyling is PATW. Search for that and be amazed by that trick. Palle's the one who invented it ! Insane trick i must say.
07-09-15 04:35:35
anhkhoashevakt ::: Favorites
2Zani is more like a street player than a freestyler. But he's good in freestyle too. Great lower combos an stuff.
07-09-15 04:33:49
McMuCo ::: Favorites
robinho is jealous :D:D:D
07-09-14 05:17:45
smiroman ::: Favorites
07-09-12 13:21:35
10com ::: Favorites
Billy Wingrove is English Cause you can tell by his Acent lol
07-09-10 00:26:05

A Valentine Message From Tom

Duration: 01:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-14 15:59:34
User: trickzyhobbit
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Tom sends out a Valentine

LollymcMuffin ::: Favorites
LMAO, this was full of such win. XD *favorites*
07-09-11 15:26:57
jaxiandra ::: Favorites
bwhahaha ! :'D i seriously laughed my head off! :')
07-08-29 06:22:38
xScHeRbEnStErNcHeNx ::: Favorites
07-08-23 14:29:48
thenegativesex ::: Favorites
hahah that was amazing! i laughed so hard!
07-08-13 22:28:11
bella18th ::: Favorites
goooooood!!! i love it!! loool! what song is it?
07-08-01 07:39:47
peteXwentzXisXqte ::: Favorites
07-07-31 15:52:06
FuckMeLikeAnAnimal ::: Favorites
Love it! xD
07-07-13 14:28:07
arinna12 ::: Favorites
07-07-06 01:27:40
xsexykaulitzx ::: Favorites
THIS WAS BRILLIANT xD, I love it. Hahahahahhhhahahha!
07-06-16 00:16:24
NaughtyKittyKat ::: Favorites
07-06-10 16:58:34

thomas vanderham nwd6

Duration: 03:23 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-01 12:46:48
User: nkevin90
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crazy video

amaliasweetsmiley ::: Favorites
CAMAZONDATING dot COM for the hottest adult webcam dating site!
07-08-14 11:10:41
macedhx ::: Favorites
vanderham the king of whips nice style but..... why them dont put it into nwd7 and nwd8?
07-08-06 22:05:28
konarider90 ::: Favorites
07-07-04 01:31:12
JuLcrimson ::: Favorites
thats some crazy shit!
07-06-30 23:55:38
nkevin90 ::: Favorites
rude boy by tru-paz
07-04-01 22:15:53
wallride8 ::: Favorites
whats the song? great vid, loved it
07-03-20 15:08:45
Freerider7 ::: Favorites
venderham roxzz!!!
07-02-23 12:01:18
MaxPowerNASA ::: Favorites
vanderham per sempre
07-01-29 18:33:06
HopeHubsRule ::: Favorites
haha good one lol
07-01-08 14:51:03
butnut23 ::: Favorites
YEEEAHHH VANDERHAM keep shreding your style is so sick keep it up
06-12-18 18:13:04

War That No One Won - Serj Tankian Poetry

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-12 16:35:33
User: redsoxmb545
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Serj is an amazing musician. But he is also an incredible poet!

daletheelf3 ::: Favorites
freat poem
07-08-28 09:02:56
DreamingofSoad ::: Favorites
the war that no one won won wonXD hes so awsome
07-08-23 14:49:33
thecolthasfallen1 ::: Favorites
oh I didnt mean to be like that. I didnt realize Im sorry...I dont like being a bitch sorry if I offended you or somethin I didnt mean to. I dont really remember what I said though Ill have to look back on the comments or somethin. but yeah Im sorry.
07-08-22 23:28:30
LesserUnderground ::: Favorites
oh, my bad... look, i wasnt trying to be mean, okay? i dont appreciate you telling me i dont know anything. its not nice...
07-08-22 22:50:50
thecolthasfallen1 ::: Favorites
hey I like godsmack! well thats your opinion it dont matter. we all are intitled to an opinion. And by the way Im a dudett not a dude.
07-08-22 21:06:39
LesserUnderground ::: Favorites
um, dude, i didnt mean one person from a band. i meant all the members of a band writing one book. i know others wrote books. dont need to take godsmack for example. they suck. and i forgot u2 wrote a book, also...
07-08-22 16:42:25
datlozz ::: Favorites
it s too fast fast fast :-)
07-08-20 13:01:56
ChRiZ2cRaZy ::: Favorites
oh...yeah...that's true...but i don't understand people that doesn't understand Serj...well...maybe they just hate him because his music, but i love it everyway...54D 5T4TU3
07-08-18 16:46:24
turtofast ::: Favorites
I love serj you love serj.... BUT! some people just don't understand him and think hes a freak! but hes not
07-08-17 19:39:01
turtofast ::: Favorites
wow i can't speak that fast fast fast!! XD
07-08-17 19:29:42

Monty Python - Trouble at the Mill/BBC comedy sketch

Duration: 10:54 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-07 16:42:30
User: pipes90
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First Spanish Inquisition sketch plus BBC comedy sketch following on from that....

dr4win9f00l ::: Favorites
Because it's Monty Fucking Python, you humorless git.
07-09-16 23:24:14
jinxiejae ::: Favorites
i love the one where they are on the bus racing to get to the courtroom " nobody expects- (*cut to black) oh bugger!"
07-09-15 23:04:38
Aug1992 ::: Favorites
Come on you sick humorless *******. Sure some of the things that Monty Python are a bit sad but what did you expect? Upastanding christian value? Bollocks. Don't get me wrong but with all due respect you cannot seriously use that as an arguement.
07-08-18 15:33:42
wolf5172 ::: Favorites
yeah, wtf? its a comedy taking the piss out of things that happened in the past! also you have to remeber, if you are serious, that MPFC was an extremely popular tv show and i believe is still quite popular, also the films are still being sold as well, quite a long time after being made.
07-07-24 18:44:23
Snoware ::: Favorites
I've read this three times trying to figure out if you're serious or not. Either way , your hilarious.
07-07-13 20:28:05
beepandbop ::: Favorites
I think it was a satire--that's the whole joke, Monty Python takes something sick, and makes it laughable. It's silly, but there's no need to rave about it. Just watch the clip and laugh.
07-07-03 12:41:29
Coerlin ::: Favorites
07-06-24 05:11:36
Morgalica ::: Favorites
Love the Spanish Inquisition! Has me falling to bits everytime I see it, and I too shout "NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!"
07-06-07 22:35:51
Halsgoddess ::: Favorites
You're a loony.
07-06-06 18:10:03
merseygroup ::: Favorites
whats so funny aoubt torture,mureder and killing millions of people in the name of the vatican? whats so funny about torturing an old woman with furniture until she dies? these sick homo freaks have no appeal to decent people with upstanding christian values. they are disgusting sexually perverted nobodys rightly despised by normal families.
07-06-02 13:15:42

Devran-Ellerin Bende Kalsın Klip

Duration: 04:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-14 17:40:37
User: piyanistpolat
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Devran ellerin bende kalsın ÅŸarkısına yapılmış amatör bir klip

dilOOOsss ::: Favorites
ya söylemeden yapamıcam çok üzgünüm ama kusuruma bakmayın.. bi zmnlar bana gülüm diyen biri wardı. bi kız onu benden aldı. ve fotodakı kıza cok benzıyo. ben bu kızı öldürürüm yaa resimdekı kızı öldürürüm ben bu kdr diyorum n
07-09-02 13:18:00
bozo1925 ::: Favorites
Ses Çok Güsel EmeÄŸine Sesine SaÄŸlık...!
07-09-02 10:20:51
shekillolmush ::: Favorites
gerçekten müthiÅŸ ekleyene teÅŸekkürler...
07-07-31 07:38:24
Denizturker ::: Favorites
Tebrik ederim sesini çok iyi kullanıyorsun. Müzik piyasasının sizin gibi saglam seslere ihtiyacı var
07-06-28 06:01:47
piyanistpolat ::: Favorites
07-06-20 16:18:22
dolunayda ::: Favorites
guzel ses size gönüllü klip yaparım valla saygılar
07-06-16 11:14:08
edrybofy ::: Favorites
offfff diyorum offff süperrr ÅŸarkıı,ses büyüleyicii,tebriklerr.aşık oldum ya ben sana...
07-05-29 10:29:17
general1967 ::: Favorites
çok seviyorum bu parçayı...tÅŸkler...
07-05-18 20:31:28
fmblood ::: Favorites
07-05-03 11:49:34

De-Lovely - Begin The Beguine - Sheryl Crow

Duration: 03:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-22 17:52:35
User: jorgebes
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De-Lovely - Begin The Beguine - Sheryl Crow

voltape ::: Favorites
a very nice girl with a nice voice but...WHAT AN AWFUL rendition!!! It is all out of tune. C'mon, I have been hearing it for over half a century, always the same fascinating music, by many singers, including Mario Lanza, and in Spanish by Julio Iglesias and many other singers. Why have they included in this film such a butchering of one of the greatests songs of the 20th century???? Remove it (or put a real version of it) and we'll have a real A-1 film.
07-08-26 12:04:29
angel18292m ::: Favorites
07-08-17 19:35:24
CantStandYaCostanza ::: Favorites
If anyone hasn't heard it yet, listen to Mario Lanza's rendition of this song - Much better than this! I don't think it's posted on YouTube at the moment, but I'll post it later this week if not.
07-08-06 04:33:24
DBMalone ::: Favorites
If you haven't seen De-Lovely yet...go out immediately and rent it! An amazing and, from what I've read, fairly truthful bio of Cole Porter. And it's chock-filled with great music, including this great number. I saw the film in the theater, and this particular song really grabbed my heart.
07-07-28 15:48:41
Ithek ::: Favorites
cole porter was a freaking genius.
07-07-18 01:30:10
edinags ::: Favorites
when they begin the beguine..........
07-06-15 12:27:42
coowlekikker ::: Favorites
Very strong preformance. a bit boring to the end though.
07-06-14 12:27:37
luminouscali ::: Favorites
thank you for uploading this song!!!! is there anyway you can get vivian green's song?
07-06-07 22:59:19

Why the West is Coming to Islam? - By Dr. Zakir Naik (3/17)

Duration: 09:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-24 22:04:20
User: shakirshuvo
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Part (4/17): Why the West is Coming to Islam? - A lecture By Dr. Zakir Naik. Why the West is Coming to Islam? in near past, opposition against Islam is increased in western media but on other hand number of people coming towards Islam is increased as well. What is reason behind that? Lecture by great scholar of Islam in Kelab Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Dr Zakir Naik is a medical doctor by profession but is renowned as a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion. Dr. Zakir Naik clarifies Islamic viewpoints and clears misconceptions about Islam, using the Quran, authentic Hadith and other religious scriptures as a basis, in conjunction with reason, logic and scientific facts.

shakirshuvo ::: Favorites
Leave your comments, if any, after watching the final part... Thanks!
07-07-26 17:31:14
murad230 ::: Favorites
shame on u u should not say such words against a man who is following God,s commadmets DR NAIK is great person on earth if u ve any misconception than come on line on yahoo i will reply all ur questions
07-07-20 14:33:06
Faz1983 ::: Favorites
Zakir Naik vs Dr William Campbell Ahmad Deedat Vs Annis Sorrosh
07-07-19 20:19:21
blackamericangirl ::: Favorites
07-07-19 14:12:33
jme1976 ::: Favorites
I debate ALOT with Muslims on you tube and at speakers corner. It is very frustrating. I'm born again by the spirit of God and Jesus is my Lord and saviour. There is no other name under heaven by which you may be saved! Amen
07-07-19 10:24:24
Faz1983 ::: Favorites
Noice how all these ppl that hate Dr Naik actually have NO intelligent comments or rebuttals? Hes stopped everyone dead in their tracks- He made Dr William campbell look like a fool and can do so with all those lesser than campbell who leave stupid comments. Mashallah- what a legend!
07-07-19 08:17:21
Faz1983 ::: Favorites
Muslims dont deny Jesus. He is one of the mightyest-mightiest- prophets of God and is loved. No muslim is a true muslim if he denys Jesus. More so all ur below verses from the Bible are not unequivocal statements and are taken out of context. Word= Logos in original texts and flesh= prophets. Revelations verse is out of context too. Come lets debate if u wish on msn or something
07-07-19 08:14:26
windowsdt ::: Favorites
eject this idiot out if india
07-07-18 22:08:16
79581858 ::: Favorites
allhamdulila!!!!i think the most intelligent person on the earth!!!!he has the answer for evrything!!!
07-07-12 08:05:12
jme1976 ::: Favorites
1 John 2:22 Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.
07-07-10 15:53:09

Ciara Dance

Duration: 02:27 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-18 23:00:53
User: cindylala
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choreographed by carolyn ninh and thi do at St. Cecilia Church

tinkerbell69princess ::: Favorites
07-08-23 23:27:54
missshep ::: Favorites
You girls ever heard of enthusiasm or emotion in dance...if not learn it!
07-08-01 10:24:01
szshawty ::: Favorites
wtf is rong with u guys?? u even post this shyt up?? god bless me FUK U SUKD! ok i'll b nice i'll rate u hrrmmmm .5 out of 10?? n i was being nice! FUK TAKE IT OFF! disgrace to asians FUk god bless me
07-07-06 22:57:32
pinkelzz ::: Favorites
its crap no offence coz wen u move from each side of the stange u walk, u shld try 2 dance ur way around. and dance to the beat so u gtta dance faster lool
07-06-29 18:53:58
toi715 ::: Favorites
07-05-30 07:54:21
xxbabiegurlxx ::: Favorites
eww no offence but you guys suckkk
07-05-02 17:46:24
taylorleah ::: Favorites
too slow need to work on it bit more
07-04-24 14:25:10
ladyred182006 ::: Favorites
07-03-21 09:53:53
chingy1babe ::: Favorites
were yall even trying??.lmao..dis fool is eating..lmao
07-02-04 15:07:41
only1dclilcutie ::: Favorites
wtf this looks like some shit that u do a a companmy picnic
06-12-20 23:54:13

Zashley - What I Like About You

Duration: 03:44 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-20 03:18:44
User: LunatikaGirL
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My first video of this cute couple: Zac & Ashley, I just love them!!!!!!!=D The song is "What I Like About You" by Lillix Hope you like it!!! Zashley 4 ever!!!!!!!!!! Toodles

magali93 ::: Favorites
07-09-09 18:29:26
dominiricanh0tt13 ::: Favorites
Zac needs to hurry up and dump Vanessa because Ashley is not going to wait around forever! He gotta kiss the girl before he miss the girl!
07-09-03 10:49:30
socc3rgirl4life ::: Favorites
vanessa can have troy. but ashley gets zac
07-08-23 23:24:49
anilov3szac ::: Favorites
zashley 4ever!!!!!! zac make the right choice ashley is the 1 u love!!!! shes soooooo pretty and nice and smart and donw to earth!!!
07-08-22 22:44:21
noideerised ::: Favorites
no they don and his nam i not troy its zac vannesa can have troy but ashley gets zac
07-08-19 11:23:34
ashley8494 ::: Favorites
zashley 4eva!!!
07-08-18 06:26:04
wushuugirl ::: Favorites
great song! Yeah zashley is better than ughh zanessa!
07-08-13 10:56:24
XxmichelletoxX ::: Favorites
They are SOO much cuter and better than *shudder* Zanessa *shudder*!!!!! Now that we have cover the obvious point!!! LETS PROTEST THAT ZASHLEY IS BETTER!!!! ZASHLEY PEOPLES HATE ON ZANESSA PEOPLE!!!!! MAKE ANYTHING THAT YOU CAN!!!! WEBSITES THAT SAY "I HATE ZANESSA"!!!! SOrrry... I HATE ZANESSA THAT MUCH!!!!!
07-08-06 12:54:18
XxmichelletoxX ::: Favorites
07-08-06 12:52:27
XxmichelletoxX ::: Favorites
I DO NOT... never mind!!! I DO NOT LIKE YOU!!!!
07-08-06 12:52:13

Jackass - Brad Pitt Kidnap

Duration: 01:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-17 03:47:48
User: LilianPirate
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Brad Pitt is going to be Kidnapped :D

loner1878 ::: Favorites
I'm really not kidding! ROFL
07-08-29 14:40:45
mariaposita2 ::: Favorites
I'd really like to kidnap Brad Pitt
07-08-23 12:18:23
IvanSorath ::: Favorites
kick ass shit :) Yo brat pit holy shit
07-08-03 22:59:34
santrysiro64 ::: Favorites
doesn't matter how many times i see this, it just never stops being funny. pure genius.
07-07-29 19:39:36
MagicalQueen ::: Favorites
Omg! Thats f*cking cool! Whahaha xD Brad Pitt is so amasing! <33
07-07-26 06:31:48
Professerbla ::: Favorites
07-07-19 08:33:45
scrollandkey ::: Favorites
pretty stupid thing to do.. someone could have got capped
07-07-12 21:40:02
cbrandom ::: Favorites
He was probably getting the license plate number.
07-06-15 13:19:41
Otaku63 ::: Favorites
i love the little guy that chased after the car.
07-06-04 23:58:48
richman360 ::: Favorites
I know lol it's like "Eh brad pitt got kidnapped again."
07-05-29 01:58:00

Re: period add

Duration: 00:26 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-29 01:39:36
User: GothicKing1990
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My video response to period add (which the correct spelling should be "period ad")

BlackStarr2 ::: Favorites
u look like a fucken monkey on crack
07-08-31 04:18:18
dipsetgirl22 ::: Favorites
lmfao.. that video was hillarious....
07-06-25 03:01:14
dipsetgirl22 ::: Favorites
lol, ur so right. i love ur darknes...
07-06-25 02:46:57
Potvinhaha ::: Favorites
U suck fag
07-06-11 23:00:39
KittyKatLuvsYou ::: Favorites
And if you're going to insult a video, make an effort to have it be at least a little....oh, i dunno...hmm...INSULTING? And don't say have a good night. I thought you wanted to insult him PS. Put a shirt on.
07-03-08 17:07:25
theheartbreakergirl ::: Favorites
ur so negative!
07-02-05 02:31:27
333CryingDevil333 ::: Favorites
omg preps are so retarted and your stupid in a way for waching it o.0 what kind of dude are you 0.o
07-01-01 19:32:33
joltfrey ::: Favorites
you're disgustingly ugly
06-12-26 01:39:09
PunkySweets ::: Favorites
All I have to say is that if you don't like it Don't watch it lol plus what is a guy like you wathing that for anyway?!? stupid child molesting retarted stupid idiotic FOGGOT!!!!
06-12-23 21:24:01
15kaitlyn10 ::: Favorites
No yur video was totally pointless and watchin that made my night worse
06-12-21 02:05:11

Just Go - Jesse McCartney - w/ Lyrics

Duration: 04:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-28 05:34:08
User: ch0c0fr3ak
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Visit Just Go - Jesse McCartney - w/ Lyrics

Flowerzinha ::: Favorites
in the end u say "FRist" mistake. lol xD
07-09-19 17:42:39
Flowerzinha ::: Favorites
he's 20 man. Not 21. He was born in 1987.
07-09-19 17:41:00
seeseexox ::: Favorites
ii loovve thiiz frickkenn song mann lol [Nd] ii loove hiim tuu.. imm his NUMBER 1 fann hah! so fuckk off all yew losers HE'S minee lmfao juss playinn iit holy doont gettt all mad lmfao kk well yeahh love thee frickkenn song!! love yeww jesse muchh.xx
07-09-03 13:05:47
ch0c0fr3ak ::: Favorites
Please stop posting webcam links...
07-09-03 01:25:32
14Lynn14 ::: Favorites
'ts ok ;)
07-08-22 11:26:03
ch0c0fr3ak ::: Favorites
Hmm sorry about that. I guess my ears were a little foggy.
07-08-22 03:11:01
praznacasa ::: Favorites
great song but he is nothing special
07-08-21 06:11:44
14Lynn14 ::: Favorites
He's 20 ;) But I think one word of the lyrics is wrong :$ I think it should be: '...that WOULD be my first mistake' instead of: '...that won't be my first mistake' I'm not really sure but on every lyrics-site I've visited it's like Would... <33 L Y Jesse!! <33 In Holland you're nr 10 on the 20 most hot guys list, but I think you should be first instead of Wenworth Miller! ;)
07-08-11 18:56:20
angelrock001 ::: Favorites
he is totally cute!
07-08-04 23:22:19
LoseTooth12 ::: Favorites
OMG hes 20?!?!?!?
07-07-29 19:05:08