Thursday, August 30, 2007

Abertura do Pan termina em samba, emoção e vaias

Duration: 06:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-14 20:04:53
User: erickmoralll
:::: Favorites

Presidente do CO-Rio foi o responsável por abrir os jogos. A cerimônia de abertura dos Jogos Pan-americanos no Maracanã terminou, como era de se esperar, em samba. Mas teve também emoção e vaias. O encerramento foi feito pela cantora Daniela Mercury, que interpretou, dentre outras canções, "Cidade Maravilhosa", o hino não-oficial do Rio de Janeiro. E, durante a festa, o presidente Lula foi vaiado pelo menos quatro vezes. O presidente do Comitê Organizador dos Jogos Pan-americanos (CO-Rio), Carlos Arthur Nuzman, foi o responsável por abrir a competição. Em seu discurso, elogiou a estrutura dos jogos brasileiros apontando a cidade como a capital olímpica latino-americana. Nuzman foi muito aplaudido durante todo o discurso, apenas no momento em que citou o presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, recebeu vaias de volta. Após o discurso do presidente do CO-Rio, um último revezamento da tocha, passando do campeão olímpico Torben Grael até o também campeão olímpico Joaquim Cruz, teve a responsabilidade de acender a pira panamericana. Outros atletas de expressão também participaram do transporte do fogo sagrado: o time de vôlei medalha de ouro nas Olimpíadas de 1992; a campeã mundial de basquete, Paula; Sandra Pires, que levou o ouro no vôlei de praia em 1996; e Gustavo Borges, o maior medalhista pan-americano, até esta edição. Dois momentos levantaram o público presente no Maracanã. As coreografias, em que até um jacaré imenso adentrou o gramado e se homenageou as belezas naturais e culturais do país; e a entrada da delegação brasileira, quando o público gritava mesmo antes de se anunciar o nome "Brasil". Ronaldo Pelli Do G1, no Rio

greensurfer ::: Favorites
povo burro só fica na vaia e faz nada... vao trabalhar para o brasil cambada de vaiadores de bunda sentada.
07-08-02 22:08:37
Sabinogpp ::: Favorites
Vai a merda quem vaiou, a merda o presidente que não teve bolas pra abrir o pan e afinou na frente de metade do mundo e a merda quem votou nele!
07-08-01 05:21:17
Sabinogpp ::: Favorites
hahaha "meio" foi ótimo!
07-08-01 05:15:18
Fabio8506 ::: Favorites
Os brasileiros são meio burros mesmo,eles deveriam ter vaiado o Lula quando ele ainda era candidato a presidente,não agora que a merda já ta feita,os mesmos que votaram nele é que tavam vaiando,mas eu devo confessar que essas vaias foram totalmente fora de hora,mesmo por que ele é o presidente do país e um dos responsáveis pela realização dos jogos na cidade,na minha opinião ele não merecia!
07-07-30 10:40:29
dietzold ::: Favorites
....Vai enganar cangaceiros e pseudo-comunistas, seu analfabeto otario !!!! Aqui no Rio nao !!!!! Otario !!!
07-07-22 11:35:54
dabliomusic ::: Favorites
Malditos aqueles que elegeram esta analfabeto, safado e sua vorja de bandidos. Isto sim é vergonhoso...Ele comprou todos os eleitores com mesadinhas e votos cabresto... Isso sim é lamentável Tem que vair sim! Aliás, vaiar o Lula, seus bandidos engravatos e os eleitores burros e patetas que o puseram no poder... UUUUUuuuuuuuuu.......
07-07-22 11:14:31
dabliomusic ::: Favorites
Malditos aqueles que elegeram esta analfabeto, safado e sua vorja de bandidos. Isto sim é vergonhoso...Ele comprou todos os eleitores com mesadinhas e votos cabresto... Isso sim é lamentável Tem que vair sim! Aliás, vaiar o Lula, seus bandidos engravatos e os eleitores burros e patetas que o puseram no poder... UUUUUuuuuuuuuu.......
07-07-22 11:10:21
pelife73 ::: Favorites
Merecido. Esse merda desse presidente não faz bosta nenhuma a não ser dar bolsa-esmola. CorruPTo dos inferno. Quer uma sugestão Lulla: faz de conta que você não viu nada e esquece isso, assim como você fez com os mensaleiros, sanguessugas, cuequeiros, calheiros e tantos outros trambiqueiros do nosso país!
07-07-17 18:07:08
franciscosta72 ::: Favorites
Olha ae, olha ae! Vaias em promoção! Nos temos vaias pra todos os tipos e gostos. Pacote de vaias com 10 unidades. Senhora? Vai querer um pacote? Vaias pra presidente? Pois não! Aqui esta! Olha ae, olha ae! Temos vaias pra presidentes, prefeito,vaias pra ministros. Eh baratinho! Senhor!? Vaias pra cariocas? Hummm.... pera ae! Fabioooo! Manda mais vaias pra cariocas! O que??!! Acabou??!! Hm Senhor, vaias pra cariocas acabou de acabar. Eh que a demanda ta muito alta ultimamente.
07-07-17 17:47:39
franciscosta72 ::: Favorites
Um doente chega no pronto-socorro de um hospital no Rio se sentindo muito mal: - Doutor, to me sentindo muito mal, to quase morrendo. O médico atende o paciente e responde: - Não se preocupe! Fique tranquilo! Eu vou passar uma receita de vaias pra você! O doente retruca: - VAIAS doutor??!! O médico diz: É.! Eh uma nova terapia que agente esta desenvolvendo aqui no Rio. Agente vaia os seus males!! Eh uma terapia baratiiiinha e funciona que eh uma beleza!! SANTO REMÉDIO!!!!
07-07-17 17:47:04

newsboys - entertaining angels (music video)

Duration: 04:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-27 20:03:13
User: videoscristians
:::: Favorites

newsboys - entertaining angels (music video)

halunke23 ::: Favorites
esta cancion es tan maravillosa! me encanta!
07-08-28 11:42:36
imatsman ::: Favorites
yes i agree with you 100%
07-08-22 02:39:48
ConjugalVisits ::: Favorites
This is one of my faves from Newsboys.
07-08-21 19:01:54
crazynewsboysfan ::: Favorites
One of my favorite Newsboys song its really good
07-08-16 16:42:24
knight01won ::: Favorites
My favorite Newsboys song!
07-08-14 23:57:39
levisjavi ::: Favorites
Este es el mejor video que jamas alla visto. Siento que toca las sensibles fibras del alma.
07-08-13 13:46:24
sheltershed ::: Favorites
I had a vision listening to this vid.Think of bazilions of Angels coming toward Earth in the Last days. I will pour out of My Spirit in the last days. Angels only speak of the oricles of the Living GOD.... Think about it.......
07-08-06 03:13:23
ElfmaidenAtara ::: Favorites
I don't get this video, but I love it anyways. XD Along with the song, of course.
07-08-05 22:42:35
72miche19 ::: Favorites
I don't know that anyone here will agree with me but...I think sunmasta was a bit harsh in comments to chiefs327.I realize chiefs used language that isn't up to your standards but he/she was paying Newsboys a compliment in the best way they knew how. They probably stumbled on this song by accident but were impressed enough to compare it to a song considered a modern masterpiece in secular music. If they "get into" Newsboys it could be the beginning of a spiritual journey for them.
07-07-24 12:19:52
singcricketsing ::: Favorites
lol... music videos are meant to be creepy that's my only explanation. you don't see the car crash, either.
07-07-22 16:19:35

The Simpsons - Balloon just air - Hilarious must see

Duration: 00:6 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-31 23:22:32
User: cohenlevine
:::: Favorites

Hilarious scene from the Simpsons

FutureSunrisePerfect ::: Favorites
07-01-05 02:31:08
Melde07 ::: Favorites
lol as cbg wud say "funniest 6 seconds eveeer"
07-01-08 12:42:12
wurzelsepp333 ::: Favorites
they should get an oscar for you have to watch it again and just gets funnier
07-01-12 18:13:59
NotSoCoolAfterAll ::: Favorites
07-02-14 05:31:23
Hax3r ::: Favorites
Hahahahahhaha loloololololo! HAHHA
07-03-21 03:03:54
Hax3r ::: Favorites
Hellllo ahhhhgghg...ohh it's just air:( Hahahhaahhaha lolololololoooool:D
07-03-22 12:16:20
jobby67 ::: Favorites
07-04-21 23:57:03

Famous Last Words Expert 99%

Duration: 05:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-14 13:05:59
User: MCmaniacDBR
:::: Favorites

GREATEST PACK EVER DLC for the 360 MCR pack, will upload teenagers and this is how i disappear later this evening

legendex5 ::: Favorites
dude im like just as good as u and im 10. good job.
07-08-29 08:28:11
damnnoobs ::: Favorites
right on.
07-08-28 06:59:41
Jackman1919 ::: Favorites
i reckon mcr are bound to be in rock band as in some of the screenshots the singer is wearing a black parade jacket, i do hope it's thank you for the venom if mcr are in rock band as this would be a challenge on all instruments and would totaly kick ass
07-08-27 18:33:58
raiderfn27 ::: Favorites
so do i i can only play on hard and im not the best but i still beat songs awesum vid......
07-08-26 13:44:39
midnightangel16 ::: Favorites
MCR is emo usic..anyways....this was awsum, i cant play on expert yet, im still on hard, and i need an x-box bc i only have a ps2...D:
07-08-24 19:30:07
Nickisimo ::: Favorites
Yeah, this is definitely the easiest of the three. I got 420k on Hard and I'm not that good at all(my first 400k song for the achievement). It's probably my favorite song to play and listen to out of the three though. I was kinda bummed that they didn't put more popular MCR songs like Helena or To The End in there, but I think all of these are 4/4 time and Helena is 3/4 or something.
07-08-24 15:41:05
MCmaniacDBR ::: Favorites
yea but this is how i disappear has a MUCH easier solo than this one
07-08-24 11:04:30
Elmand93 ::: Favorites
This is probably the easiest song in the pack. This is how i dissapear is much harder IMO. This song doesnt seem much different on expert to hard.
07-08-24 06:39:05
Jcrusader17s ::: Favorites
sweet They should make one for 360 :(
07-08-23 13:59:17
MCmaniacDBR ::: Favorites
yes I modded it myself
07-08-22 15:45:01

Line Rider : Millennium™

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-09 05:28:51
User: LineRizzleMasta
:::: Favorites

I am also known as DaPoe on IRidetheLines . com and LineRider . org. This track that I present, Millennium™, contains approximately 23,000 lines. Brutal, I know. Because I desired to release this track before the beginning of the Tournament of Champions taking place at IRtL (IRidetheLines . com), I was unable to cover as much as I had hoped. But, for now, on everything I could muster for the limited time I was presented, ENJOY!!! The song is "No Roads Left" by Linkin Park. Also, please take note to have a look at my other Line Rider videos, both the tracks and the tutorials. They are all hopefully worth a watch or two. Thanks!

lPhoeniX2142l ::: Favorites
07-08-29 16:08:29
stefdemafste ::: Favorites
I never heard this song before from linkin park, but it's Amazing. And the track Also So 5/5! Awesome! Very good job :) ( I like the idea of your g well scenery it looks very cool )
07-08-29 14:12:39
Omglolursad ::: Favorites
oen of my fave songs stil guys watch mine too
07-08-29 11:10:02
Skidmark311 ::: Favorites
This is truly incredible.
07-08-29 01:47:07
FangInvis ::: Favorites
never too many g-wells
07-08-28 19:15:41
blkmoney44 ::: Favorites
nice i like the gravity wall but i think there too many of them
07-08-27 23:45:47
bmzbg ::: Favorites
Pretty nice dude! take a look at my linerider. bmzbg
07-08-27 16:40:37
chris386333 ::: Favorites
hmm, lots of coments
07-08-27 16:29:14
LineRizzleMasta ::: Favorites
It seems that you have just achieved that :).
07-08-27 11:04:18
mcgorgomagan ::: Favorites
Hahaha... Here is a game you can play: try to post a YouTube comment so stupid people automatically assume you are joking. Hint: this is impossible.
07-08-27 07:07:33

Kiss Me (Cover)

Duration: 04:05 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-10 14:19:00
User: annspade
:::: Favorites

Rough version of Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer! I mean... really rough. This is one of the songs that almost kicked my @$$! That said, once I did have it down for performances it was one of my proudest accomplishments as an amateur guitarist.

hottxsexyxangle ::: Favorites
07-08-29 22:03:39
iMessenger ::: Favorites
Nice, well played.. i just got the tabs today and was giving it a go.. i noticed that some of the chords i got are slightly diff to what your playing.. also i use capo on 3rd and it sounds right when i play to the song..
07-08-28 23:36:36
MDCSK8 ::: Favorites
okay.......... ^^ well im seeing about getting lessons lol then see what happens from there ,.. erm thanks for the advice lol
07-08-27 21:48:14
annspade ::: Favorites
LOL! Well drums kick butt! I love playing. I don't know how, but I love it! :D Actually, I learned one song. And drums are nothing to scoff at! You need to coordinate all of your appendages!
07-08-27 21:46:17
annspade ::: Favorites
Thank you, Joss!
07-08-27 21:44:56
MDCSK8 ::: Favorites
thats amazing ur wickid and im not very fond of acoustic guitar lol..,, when i had a guitar i could never get the hang og the whole 3 strings then 4 then 3 thing lol so i gave it up i wana learn drumbs its gotta be easyer lol..,, ne ways well done!
07-08-27 21:15:18
JossLoner ::: Favorites
i like it very much!
07-08-26 07:50:40
LeonSORTX ::: Favorites
OOOOOoooooo I just had an idea! Can you sing a Beatles tune?? That would be so awesome!!
07-08-25 14:57:24
LeonSORTX ::: Favorites
Ann .... I'd be honored to have you as my friend 8 days a week!! hehehe.... Just reminding me of the Beatles again!! what can I say??
07-08-25 14:55:26
annspade ::: Favorites
Thanks, bobmon54! I've heard Kiss Me played without a capo but there are one or two chords that sound a little off without it. It's not hitting the right tune. :)
07-08-25 14:12:10

Strip Club Shooting Caught On Tape

Duration: 00:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-07 07:18:09
User: GoodGuyArktos
:::: Favorites
Description: Detroit March 31

Angeluzzo2 ::: Favorites
what a stupid motherfuckin cunt. "yeah, i'm a gansta cuz me shootin'" good thing is, these fucks are so dumb it aint hard to get to them.
07-08-29 18:48:22
jeetishere ::: Favorites
hahahaha this video is so funny that guy really act like me
07-08-29 02:09:49
protogunner62 ::: Favorites
after all those shots... he was only hit in the leg?!?!? thank god this dude isnt fighting for our country
07-08-29 00:42:39
josuev ::: Favorites
theres alot of racist muther fuckers still out in this world ignorant people whos parents gave them no direction.white,black,latino,asian, etc etc. we all live in this world nobodies better then anyone.. you ignorant fuck heads get some self knowledge!
07-08-26 23:00:44
ivedigga ::: Favorites
Nice edits fox anything to avoid talking about the real shit like how the hell we're going to pay for this war.
07-08-23 23:06:55
ivedigga ::: Favorites
LOL What the fuck was he shooting at, himself. That fool looked scared to deaf and did you that other motherfucker take off.Thats what you get for waiting out side the strip club for nasty ass hoes clowns. LOL
07-08-23 22:46:55
Nukelaunch ::: Favorites
07-08-21 18:57:03
ImShadowForReal ::: Favorites
07-08-20 13:54:58
OGKaine ::: Favorites
shit most niggaz dont go to the range every sunday and shit like that so of course they not gonna have no aim man what u expect a professional? shit he was tryna to get someone and he missed he not a g cuz he shot him no he aint hes stupid he coulda settled whatever wit just a fist fight.
07-08-19 22:43:33
chaotikk ::: Favorites
unless karate can teach me to dodge bullets id recommend carry a strap to fight back at the punks who cant aim. all those shots and only got hit in leg lol. thats a real G for you.
07-08-19 10:28:14

No le dijo nada, Los Ladrones Sueltos

Duration: 04:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-20 16:23:26
User: pablote83
:::: Favorites

Bueno, aca subo esta verdadera joya q espero se llene de visitas y sepan apreciarla pq me costo mucho encontrar este video, ademas la cancion me gusta mucho y con mi grupo "plan B" la tocamos y la gente engancha mucho con este tema, saludos y disfrutenlo.

Armando0002 ::: Favorites
jasjasasajas que tiempos!
07-08-26 14:10:18
jM03nyc ::: Favorites
de la PM!!! un clasico del R0Ck!!!
07-08-21 14:06:15
J3AMPYX77 ::: Favorites
07-08-17 21:36:26
Milosemar ::: Favorites
Buen video ..... buen grupo
07-08-14 16:28:58
fabriziobarrera ::: Favorites
La verdad es q es toda una joya, nosé xq desapareció esta banda!!! Muy buen tema!!!
07-08-11 14:11:43
rengosocialista ::: Favorites
laconch adetu
07-07-29 05:11:31
str0k3s ::: Favorites
como se llama la mina que actua?
07-07-25 18:30:36
leoberutti ::: Favorites
esta bueno el tema pongan el video de la rubia en e l avion
07-07-24 13:16:33
maicena08 ::: Favorites
07-07-24 11:32:36
melainatar ::: Favorites
Wow! Un verdadero clásico! Todavía me río cada vez que escucho esta canción! ^^ Gracias por subirla!
07-07-04 00:06:47

Ese oscuro objeto del deseo

Duration: 04:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-14 16:39:48
User: lingonju
:::: Favorites

otro video del grupo Vertigogo

ogmorel ::: Favorites
A estos pendjeos los vi una noche en el programa de Brozo. jajaja que sacón de onda.
07-08-15 05:23:23
ZaniaXirivela ::: Favorites
ferxomartz que hongo con tu comentario que me hizo reir:D y no es en mala onda heeee!!!
07-08-11 19:28:53
ZaniaXirivela ::: Favorites
No me acordaba de este dueto que aqui en mexico solo sono con esta rola y despues se apago y si de que la chica robaba suspiros es cierto; sino preguntele a mi hermano:D
07-08-11 19:23:43
EliAlEim ::: Favorites
Serían una copia mala, pero en el caso de la tia, en bueno.
07-08-10 08:48:25
DanNylo30 ::: Favorites
Jajaja nunca me gustaron, eran una copia mala de Amistades Peligrosas...
07-08-06 02:44:18
raoultira ::: Favorites
Me parece que este dueto es una vil copia de amistades peligrosas en cuanto al contenido de las letras, aunque creo que ellos dos tienen mejores voces que los de amistades
07-07-28 20:30:15
morethanuknow ::: Favorites
K onda! me siento orgulloso, yo tengo una kancion inedita de vertigogo, al igual que una foto de ellos con sus dos hijas, :D Todo eso me lo paso el mismisimo rafa legisima (vocalista) Cualkier cosa, ste es mi mail elgordo18_1 en caliente ya saben!
07-06-07 18:59:21
xcorv ::: Favorites
la flaca esta buenisima...
07-05-11 00:13:45
vpriego13 ::: Favorites
era un buen grupo y la chava estaba bien buena
07-05-10 15:26:21
ferxomartz ::: Favorites
waaaa el video en las lavadoras! :D hace años que no lo veia, tenia 13 años cuando esa cancion sonaba en HTV! :P
07-04-27 16:09:31

Someone let Bush out of his cage!

Duration: 07:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-22 12:56:43
User: gratex
:::: Favorites

temujoe ::: Favorites
There's gotta be a way to motivate ppl who are too lazy to be rational. That's just a sad state of affairs.
07-08-22 13:50:36
apacalypse781 ::: Favorites
alot of people don't think of the U.S. as an emipre because they associate conquest for land with imperialism. The U.S. is an empire of influence rather than conquest which is just as dangerous
07-08-22 14:01:02
Gemm73 ::: Favorites
I had heard something today regarding him spouting his mouth. Hmm, maybe if you say something enough you start to believe it. Don't know...
07-08-22 17:26:08
Gemm73 ::: Favorites
Oh, and as a side note apathy does run rampant in the US. It's a very sad state indeed. Most people I know outside of YouTube think the war is wrong, but beyond that they don't really pay attention to the state of affairs even WITHIN our country. They think I'm nuts for going to the Sept 15th protest in DC...
07-08-22 17:31:54
djschoice ::: Favorites
Bush and his ilk don't see our invasion and occupation of vietnam for the crime it was. When they lament vietnam, they are lamenting the withdrawal, and the turning of public opinion against the invasion and occupation.
07-08-22 18:54:58
sgao1974 ::: Favorites
The fervour stirred up by nationalism plays an ego driven part in supporting 'your' countries decisions. National and cultural pride is great, when it becomes a egoistic superior attitude it sucks. We humans seem to be prone to ego jousting. I'm sure someone a thousand years ago must have said "sit tight we're in for a bumpy ride!"
07-08-23 07:50:10
gratex ::: Favorites
and we're still saying that today.
07-08-24 05:59:00
biglu323 ::: Favorites
Yeah I get a headache when I listen to some of Bush's explanations. Part of why his "killing fields" comment was so stupid is because it implied that the US gives a shit about saving people. We never had any intention of dealing with Cambodia's genocide. We bombed some jungle on the outskirts of that country to kill Vietnamese but that was about it. In fact, it was actually the Vietnamese who took on Pol Pot and ended those killings.
07-08-24 09:55:11
gratex ::: Favorites
Even looking at the numbers it is crazy, over 5 million people died directly as part of the war, twice as many as died in the after-shock.
07-08-24 19:55:01
thebigbossnahhh ::: Favorites
The Grandson of a well know Nazi Funder; I'm not surprised. Bushes roots are in Nazism, always have been. Read up on Prescott Bush. I remember when the Neo-Cons took the credit out of the fall of Russia, due to Afghanistan. It wasn't because they economically were crumbling but because the Afghan war was a success.
07-08-29 11:38:23

Bode Miller

Duration: 01:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-30 09:27:18
User: fidegnon
:::: Favorites

Bode Miller unbelievable at torino 2006

volklatomic ::: Favorites
The Best.
07-08-20 22:39:40
steezypowderskier ::: Favorites
That just goes to show you how good his balance is and how fast he was going because if you look at his ski thats in the air when ever it hits the ground it bounces all around
07-07-07 16:24:01
BlutrotEngel ::: Favorites
you know what's realy bad? when you get instructed to work on speed first, technique later. i just learned how to do a slalom this year and now my turns are too tight. and the reason i'm saying this is because supposdly Bode supposdly started out with speed first too XD
07-05-05 00:38:25
skichamp35 ::: Favorites
thats gota b da best recover eva
07-03-02 01:44:23
sarphedon1080 ::: Favorites
i guess i just have to try harder and keep my weight forward and trust my edges to hold me but for some reason i just end up flying off the course or straddling a gate. no idea why. damn slalom.
07-02-28 01:55:41
AtCw593 ::: Favorites
Me too; I have the same problem!
07-02-27 15:42:25
sarphedon1080 ::: Favorites
yep :P i DNF or hike in slalom all the time. its frustrating as hell so i have a lot of empathy for bode lol.
07-02-27 15:39:10
AtCw593 ::: Favorites
are you a racer too?
07-02-25 22:29:52
sarphedon1080 ::: Favorites
yeah. slalom is tougher. bode is a natural skier. so he does well at fast courses. slalom is almost purely technical. which is 100% not bode miller. as for this year he started out really strong. he needs to pick it back up though.
07-02-25 20:37:58
AtCw593 ::: Favorites
I don't think he'll win this year though. Besides, you're forgetting that the championships are also very important. He also disqualifies on slalom courses alot// I do too
07-02-25 16:49:15

BLUES HARP TUTORIAL Volume 6 Open mic nights

Duration: 10:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-22 21:23:32
:::: Favorites

We follow harp student Alex through his first open mic night just as it happened.

ernal ::: Favorites
Well done Alex. Big step. Sounds like you did well.
07-03-23 08:55:07
bottom11 ::: Favorites
nice one alex,how many lessons have you had?
07-03-23 13:54:38
OZHARP ::: Favorites
superdemolisher. I cannot answer your question you have your mail set to friends only
07-03-26 18:02:35
blogward ::: Favorites
Great stuff.
07-04-11 14:24:31
northernickels ::: Favorites
I had a real ball watching this one-seems like playing blues harp is mostly a "man" thing. I can't play blues yet-just plain old harp. Great Stuff!!!
07-05-28 00:37:45
northernickels ::: Favorites
I had a real ball watching this one-seems like playing blues harp is mostly a "man" thing. I can't play blues yet-just plain old harp. Great Stuff!!!
07-05-28 00:39:40
RonnieShellist ::: Favorites
Real nice work Alex! Good tone, timing, and ideas. I'm proud of you and i don't even know you. I'm a harp teacher as well and just want to say that's a real teacher. Getting your students out and encouraging them to play in the real world is what it's all about!! Good one! Ronnie Shellist
07-06-27 21:13:57

2006-2007 New York Islanders Tradition Video

Duration: 06:02 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-20 10:14:39
User: nyislanders
:::: Favorites

A video that highlights the Islanders Tradition featuring players from the past and present

rangers3535 ::: Favorites
Not gonna have that cup for a while! I am glad to say I am not an Islander!!! HAHA
07-08-29 18:25:04
kurtscash ::: Favorites
i moved to Pennsylvania, during the"Buffalo Winters" 76-77 & 77-78 they kept that 12 yr kid alive ! When they had Potvin Jean & John and Nystrom who looked like he was flying n Trottier then got Bossy! Holy crap - competing and beating legends like LaFluer and the Canadians and Maple Leafs , you knew this was history! I love the Islanders to this day,even when they come to play LA Kings now I still route for the Islanders and always will ! Go Get A Cup 2007-2008! go Isles!
07-07-16 01:29:40
i2g4u ::: Favorites
nyi cool
07-06-20 21:13:23
screecher ::: Favorites
07-06-13 17:56:14
PraisexTHYxIslanders ::: Favorites
Im Jaquelyn and I'm an Islander. <p>LETS GO ISLANDERS!
07-06-12 07:03:21
hauntnbeggar ::: Favorites
wow! it gave me chills! and witt looked sooo hot too. campoli, bruno,, call me.
07-06-07 22:29:34
nspredator55 ::: Favorites
lets go islanders
07-04-26 19:34:45
bigbren92 ::: Favorites
Im Brendan, and I am an Islander
07-04-16 16:59:20
philyeagles202 ::: Favorites
Very nice video...
07-04-12 21:19:30
mikethespike75 ::: Favorites
Subdvisions... nice touch
07-04-08 14:04:22

Gonzo singing I'm going To Go Back There Someday

Duration: 03:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-25 06:28:26
User: tiggertrouble1
:::: Favorites

Gonzo singing I'm going To Go Back There Someday from The Muppet Movie.

jillandgrump ::: Favorites
Listen to the words. "There's not a word yet for old friends who've just met. Thank you Paul Williams!!!! No one else could've song this song like Gonzo does.
07-07-02 14:25:43
themightydwarf ::: Favorites
i love this movie. and this song 2.
07-07-08 08:24:11
blondeelfgirl ::: Favorites
I'm not sure which verison of this song I like better. this one or the one recorded for muppets in space.
07-07-20 21:10:08
blondeelfgirl ::: Favorites
that's my favortie line in the song. It was the theme of my trip to NYC to visit a old online friend. I made a video using the new version of this song cos it's the only one I have on the computer.*sighs*
07-07-20 21:11:22
RabidHappy ::: Favorites
Such a beautiful song
07-07-30 00:06:46
jumbag ::: Favorites
This is the best movie ever made. No other characters could make you laugh, cry and sing with so much joy. I Love the Muppets. Thank-You for this.
07-08-06 16:53:44
htomsirveaux22 ::: Favorites
R.I.P Jim, we miss you
07-08-08 22:39:20
shyrocket ::: Favorites
thank you tiggertrouble for posting this great song, such innocent words and sweet songs that decades after we first heard them still evoke memories of happy days and longing.
07-08-15 07:44:02
ciaranhaggerty ::: Favorites
If anyone out there can play this on guitar please upload it. This song is fantasic.
07-08-23 21:58:55
farahcutedollsvz ::: Favorites
See my sexy ex-gf exposed on webcam at CAMREVENGE dot COM
07-08-27 05:03:31