Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hermione/Ron: Haunted

Duration: 03:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-20 16:17:46
User: HBHO
:::: Favorites

Read: "Harry Potter" is property of JK Rowling and Warner Brothers. "Haunted" is property of Kelly Clarkson. I do not own anything involved in the making of this video. Okay, well with Deathly Hallows only a short few hours away, I wanted to get this up as soon as possible. My Sony Vegas, however, did not want me to. So, yeah this is going up later than I had hoped. I don't know the plot to DH, this is just an AU video. During the trio's exploration of Godric's Hollow, Ron is captured by the death eaters. He is, to put it simply, tortured mercilessly and then killed. Hermione is haunted by the memories she has of Ron. She cannot do anything without remembering the little things. After it all becomes too much for her, she enlists the help of Harry. She will do anything to save Ron, even turn back time. A few points that may be confusing: Everything after the time turning sequence (besides the parts with Ron in black and white, or glow) is Hermione (and Harry's) attempts to find Ron before he is killed again. Blasting the tower door open, etc is when they do find Ron and yay everyone lives happily ever after. I do not own anything used in this video! Harry Potter is property of JK Rowling and Warner Brothers. Haunted is property of Kelly Clarkson.

TikiTyler9 ::: Favorites
Awesome! I really like your stuff.
07-08-29 18:31:17
HBHO ::: Favorites
OO thank you! I'm glad you liked it! I love Driving Lessons, I had to use it =)
07-08-29 16:44:47
kari480 ::: Favorites
Loved it. One of the best R/Hr videos I've ever seen! I loved how you used footage from Driving Lessons.
07-08-26 20:55:16
HBHO ::: Favorites
Thank you! Glad you liked it, and I hope you liked the other vids. =)
07-08-24 16:35:27
SophieJ88 ::: Favorites
Wow, you seriously did an amzaing job ! The quality of the vid is great and the music totally fits to your plot. I'm going to watch your other vids now :)
07-08-23 15:56:26
HBHO ::: Favorites
Thank you, I'm glad you have watched them all!
07-08-23 11:31:12
HBHO ::: Favorites
I like the pensieve part as well =) I love this song, so I was really excited to use it in an HP video. Definitely one of the better ones off of the album.
07-08-23 11:30:49
sweetnanami ::: Favorites
I watch all your videos =( I can see that my make up are very bad now YOur videos are full of emotions =O Thanks
07-08-23 09:54:40
willturner369 ::: Favorites
i think the graphics where ron pics in the pensive! i love this song i have been waiting for ppl to use it so thanx!
07-08-23 09:19:04
ViolentDarkKnight ::: Favorites
Yeah that's what I mean't....sorry I probably should've explained it a little better =]
07-08-22 01:56:04

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