Thursday, August 30, 2007

Someone let Bush out of his cage!

Duration: 07:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-22 12:56:43
User: gratex
:::: Favorites

temujoe ::: Favorites
There's gotta be a way to motivate ppl who are too lazy to be rational. That's just a sad state of affairs.
07-08-22 13:50:36
apacalypse781 ::: Favorites
alot of people don't think of the U.S. as an emipre because they associate conquest for land with imperialism. The U.S. is an empire of influence rather than conquest which is just as dangerous
07-08-22 14:01:02
Gemm73 ::: Favorites
I had heard something today regarding him spouting his mouth. Hmm, maybe if you say something enough you start to believe it. Don't know...
07-08-22 17:26:08
Gemm73 ::: Favorites
Oh, and as a side note apathy does run rampant in the US. It's a very sad state indeed. Most people I know outside of YouTube think the war is wrong, but beyond that they don't really pay attention to the state of affairs even WITHIN our country. They think I'm nuts for going to the Sept 15th protest in DC...
07-08-22 17:31:54
djschoice ::: Favorites
Bush and his ilk don't see our invasion and occupation of vietnam for the crime it was. When they lament vietnam, they are lamenting the withdrawal, and the turning of public opinion against the invasion and occupation.
07-08-22 18:54:58
sgao1974 ::: Favorites
The fervour stirred up by nationalism plays an ego driven part in supporting 'your' countries decisions. National and cultural pride is great, when it becomes a egoistic superior attitude it sucks. We humans seem to be prone to ego jousting. I'm sure someone a thousand years ago must have said "sit tight we're in for a bumpy ride!"
07-08-23 07:50:10
gratex ::: Favorites
and we're still saying that today.
07-08-24 05:59:00
biglu323 ::: Favorites
Yeah I get a headache when I listen to some of Bush's explanations. Part of why his "killing fields" comment was so stupid is because it implied that the US gives a shit about saving people. We never had any intention of dealing with Cambodia's genocide. We bombed some jungle on the outskirts of that country to kill Vietnamese but that was about it. In fact, it was actually the Vietnamese who took on Pol Pot and ended those killings.
07-08-24 09:55:11
gratex ::: Favorites
Even looking at the numbers it is crazy, over 5 million people died directly as part of the war, twice as many as died in the after-shock.
07-08-24 19:55:01
thebigbossnahhh ::: Favorites
The Grandson of a well know Nazi Funder; I'm not surprised. Bushes roots are in Nazism, always have been. Read up on Prescott Bush. I remember when the Neo-Cons took the credit out of the fall of Russia, due to Afghanistan. It wasn't because they economically were crumbling but because the Afghan war was a success.
07-08-29 11:38:23

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