Wednesday, October 24, 2007

kh Random M.U.G.E.N #6: Megaman (me) vs. Rogue

Duration: 03:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-02 20:00:47
User: kirbyhyper
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If you look at my team lists, you see that Sakura and Shiki Nanaya are GONE. Because Shiki Nanaya is mad at how he still isn't in, so he recalled his application, and Sakura failed English this year, so B. B. Hood wants her to finish high school first. She'll get initiated once she graduates. Who's replacing them. The first is Reiko Hikari by NeoKamek (she's also a high school student but at least she does homework), and the other is who I'm using in this video: Megaman by Jin Kazama! He fights Rogue.


KinG4L ::: Favorites
CAn i get da link 2 get megaman!!
07-08-03 10:34:12
kirbyhyper ::: Favorites
Megaman's offline. I can send him to you.
07-08-03 15:52:08
KinG4L ::: Favorites
ok thanx!
07-08-16 01:23:42


Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-09 11:27:07
User: feloga
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Un pequeños paseo por este pueblo turístico asturiano.


Duration: 03:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-08 23:38:14
User: punkrock98
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Iron Blue Intention

Duration: 03:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-04 14:57:02
User: Rodriguezjr
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Here is Iron Blue Intention from the Official Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Soundtrack. This was made by Michiru Yamane.


Sizzler07 ::: Favorites
best castlevania song from the best castlevania game (bloodlines)
07-10-17 18:04:50
BlackTheCat ::: Favorites
I love this song. Reminds me of the good days with Bloodlines on Sega Genesis :D
07-09-27 14:38:57
VincentDragoon42 ::: Favorites
this is one of my two faves from PoR, this and Crucifix Held Close.
07-09-23 12:47:13
Where'd you get this version of it? It's different than the one from Portrait of Ruin's 13th Street.
07-09-08 09:12:12
ericlecarde ::: Favorites
HEY that pic ITS ME . ITS ME :D , HI ! XD
07-08-12 10:40:23
Delta4845 ::: Favorites
well do u no ur name is an anagram of Dracula like Alucard
07-08-18 02:45:29
XxGORMOTHxX ::: Favorites
awesome song! one of the best track of all!
07-08-11 19:21:47
maiweikath ::: Favorites
I love this song and: Silent Prison, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin is a great game, I have ALL Castlevanias ^^
07-08-08 19:25:27

harrys abduction the sims 2

Duration: 02:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-30 05:52:54
User: razzyboo123
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this poor teen get abducted!!! DNT ASK ME FOR THE CHEAT

Current Undertaker Titantron (Custom)

Duration: 04:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-29 14:51:23
User: Grayshon
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A custom made Current Undertaker Titantron, with his current theme. Hope you all enjoy : )


dcole00 ::: Favorites
to perfectboy007 u comment on it being fake shit but y did u watch it if u fink its fake shit
07-10-23 10:03:49
trevorwinton ::: Favorites
why are you on this video if you dont like it?
07-10-23 06:45:29
ThaGangsta619 ::: Favorites
Awesome, dude. Just plain AWESOMENESS. This is one of the best custom Taker trons I've seen in a while. Unlike all the other ones that use fucking GIF's.
07-10-22 20:00:24
perfectboy007 ::: Favorites
why u kid s believe in this fake shit
07-10-21 11:17:05
smokinxp ::: Favorites
John Cena is just WWE's way of cashing in on Stone Cold. He had that it factor when he first went face, but now he's just a Hoganesque "You Can't Beat Me" "You Can't See Me, cut a decent promo" reject. Bout the only thing good with him is his entrance music which is catchy
07-10-21 08:19:57
smokinxp ::: Favorites
Yes we can, but as far as longeivity h's defainately earned Hall Of Fame status. WWE wouldn't be the same without him around in some form. Gonna be sad when he retires in the next yr or two. I can't see him actively going much longer, he's spent.
07-10-21 08:17:52
weenerball5 ::: Favorites
the undertaker is the greatest of all time and none of u lot can argue
07-10-21 05:55:33
wrestlingfan247 ::: Favorites
who cares cena is gone and taker is soon to be champ at cyber sunday.
07-10-20 22:45:10
chaldodon ::: Favorites
07-10-19 16:58:52
Leerif ::: Favorites
John Cena is a poser. This is wrestling buddy not real life. He can't wrestle a good match, he can't cut a promo, he can't do crap. Tell me five moves Cena does that take skill. The Deadman is the Legend of all Time!
07-10-19 14:44:49

Bert McCracken on Fuse F*** Ups

Duration: 03:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-30 19:02:18
User: FOBLover1990
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chirpy299 ::: Favorites
Hahahaha, Can't stop watching itt. :D
07-10-05 16:59:28
bammagmargerafan ::: Favorites
07-09-19 15:08:20
ratedDX74 ::: Favorites
I like the part where Bert's licking Steven. And the part with QOTSA was funny.
07-09-15 21:21:40
kpfan123 ::: Favorites
Aww, Bert. He's just so fucking awesome!! I love the bleep too :]
07-09-13 14:23:21
WilliamBeckettIsHOTT ::: Favorites
07-09-12 20:23:47
MADINALAKEroxmysox ::: Favorites
I LOVE THE BERT BLEEPS xD XmwahX 4 bert!!!
07-09-11 13:13:06
monniee1 ::: Favorites
ahahaha this is funny people would rather be on MTV then on fuse how gay
07-09-10 02:42:19
RadicalRachel33 ::: Favorites
:P I LOVE THIS ITS SO FUNNNY! "Don't smudge it, Bert, I knew you were gonna do thaaat" *pouts* "Don't kiss me, Bert!" Ahaha, now I LOVE Fuse, because I love Bert!
07-09-09 12:47:16
leeannwilli ::: Favorites
i wish i was steven, then i wud take the kiss and not refuse it! love bert
07-08-30 18:05:33
Ania9292 ::: Favorites
lol Bert <3
07-08-26 15:12:43

Oita Matsuri 2

Duration: 03:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-13 01:46:26
User: gabogrifa
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On Top of The GUN Truck Glitch

Duration: 04:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-09 21:03:31
User: Sunrose111
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this glitch is crazy! sorry if I am copying anybody, I just love this glitch, I wanted to upload this, sorry, and sorry about that light thing on the left side, not sure what that is. Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters and indica are copyrighted (c) 1991 - 2007 (e.g. present) SEGA, Sonic Team. No copyright infringement intended. #93 - Top Rated (Today) - Gadgets & Games #96 - Most Discussed (Today) - Gadgets & Games #68 - Top Favorites (Today) - Gadgets & Games 3 honors sweet!


heatherkins90 ::: Favorites
lmfao 3:48
07-10-20 17:23:51
Dr0sik ::: Favorites
It's back from the dead! LOL I know how to make the truck fall into an invisable ditch. The glitch freak, that's me... Any way, great video!
07-10-09 18:01:14
spinmoss ::: Favorites
Thankies ^_^
07-09-04 21:32:19
SadisticMystic ::: Favorites
Superbounce is not system-exclusive.
07-09-04 21:22:19
spinmoss ::: Favorites
Wait, so this is for dreamcast?
07-09-04 20:43:58
SadisticMystic ::: Favorites
Hold B, charge up a good way, shift your thumb over and let up on B and immediately come back down on both A and B simultaneously (the fact that it's simultaneous will mean you've canceled a bounce to store it later, which is why it works in the first place). Oh, and don't try to start a superbounce from all the way across the road--try from halfway to get more success. Search for "7:47.15" to see lots of superbounces in action.
07-09-04 01:50:58
spinmoss ::: Favorites
AHhgh! How do press the buttons so fast?! I tried it thousands of times and I still cant do it!
07-09-04 00:19:15
Sunrose111 ::: Favorites
thanks for the tip
07-09-03 07:26:25
SadisticMystic ::: Favorites
Part of the problem in taking so long to do that superbounce was the sheer distance you were trying to cover before the wall. If you try to cover the entire width of the road (which is a distance I refer to as a dimensionless "64") in ball mode, you lose too much speed before you hit the wall, and superbouncing depends on having lots of speed at that point. I find the ideal superbounce preparation distance to be about 32, so try from the yellow divider line and see if that yields more success.
07-09-03 07:19:43
annavanrijnflikker ::: Favorites
whahaha that was so funny! the end man i couldnt get up from laughing!
07-08-22 15:47:03

melige Wij

Duration: 00:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-09 14:31:24
User: liselottemichelle
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wij zongen een melig liedje :p

Was 911 a ritual sacrifice part 2*

Duration: 04:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-13 14:52:17
User: realvworld
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More theory on why the inside Job on 911 happened. Ever wondered about the faces in the smoke. Could that have really been demons?


tapper36 ::: Favorites
This explains a lot. Thanks for posting.
07-10-21 11:38:57
MrRocher ::: Favorites
One other thing they are begining to change is history of family heritage,check names eg roosevelt(hofner family)most of them come from germany (baveria)uve got arnie terminator as mayor whose from austria,england churchill's farther was from (baveria)same as royal family england the windsors(Saxa-Coburg Gotha)just look at the names Eisenhower (historically "Eisenhauer")(Henry kissinger)an so on.
07-10-14 02:41:07
MrRocher ::: Favorites
Just a matter of interest with all of this has anybody ever tried looking up the pentagon and when it was built anyway i checked it out 2yrs ago an they had a plaque outside which was a on a photo saying (built on sept 11th 1941)so that made it 60yrs to the day of celebration for them evil bastards.ive tried checking photos around the pentagon but carn't get it anymore.
07-10-14 02:40:23
MrRocher ::: Favorites
flying rod?or spirit? 01:37, 03:32
07-10-14 00:19:30
MrRocher ::: Favorites
2mins32 or 2mins33 its quick!
07-10-13 22:27:11
MrRocher ::: Favorites
Pause this film at 2mins33secs and a flying rod fly's past his face!, or could it be a spirit!,you decide.
07-10-13 22:23:53
MrRocher ::: Favorites
U-united-S-states-A-america-M-military-A-air force. B-bush-I-illuminati-N-nazi. L-led-A-airforce-D-deliberately-E-executing-N-new yorkers= USAMA BIN LADEN.
07-10-13 22:20:57
CaptiveRiticuli ::: Favorites
holly shit this is well sinister as when i watched this 911 unfold on tv i did think i could see at least 1 face which i can only describe as a demon face. chills trully went down my spine watchin this video and in no its isnt fake as this confirms what i see first time round. im just not sure what we can all do about it
07-10-07 16:56:51
manmachine03 ::: Favorites
9 11 was a giant Human Sacrifice : youtube. com/watch?v=cCfgcRbZGQI
07-10-02 07:11:00
nigex ::: Favorites
Chris, you are just seeing what *you want* to see in the smoke... i made out images of dogs, cats, cars and a lot more... what does that have to do with the Trinity of Satan? I am confussed.
07-09-17 21:20:27

goodbye my lover-the sims 2

Duration: 04:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-28 13:36:53
User: razzyboo123
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clear and sweet


mollyjill ::: Favorites
errrrrrrrrr sorry its good but i dont like the song really well its ok and if u like u cab watch my sim 2 vids oh and if u do watch them plz comment and rate so i kown what u think
07-10-06 16:16:13
AmyVella ::: Favorites
lol nice but the music doesn't match with this music i mean the music is sad and the video is not sad
07-09-18 13:09:27
razzyboo123 ::: Favorites
i no its really stupid lol :p
07-08-09 15:01:41
meheretowatch ::: Favorites
its cool
07-08-07 21:56:04
razzyboo123 ::: Favorites
plz comment
07-07-30 06:20:28

How To speak like a fake britt!

Duration: 04:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-08 08:09:59
User: bijan84
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Hope this doesn't come off as ignorant or offensive. In the spirit of Beckham coming to LA we thought we should make him feel at home! (not really)


phoolish311 ::: Favorites
wow....this is awsomely bad. could have been good if u just got the concept!....haha u have a hat on!
07-08-08 13:44:44
Schroeder182 ::: Favorites
Nice editing. How'd you do that thing in the beginning? BTW, most British people don't sound like most American people wouldn't sound like William Sledd (but British people think so). LOL. :) Oh, who'S that girl?
07-08-08 09:58:22
bijan84 ::: Favorites
The begening part is part of iMovie HD opening titles. I do agree that with what you said that most british people don't speak like that. I find it so funny that they would think that we speak like William Sledd. I would love to watch someone frm england talking with an american (Sleddish) accent. She is phoolish311 also my girlfriend. We did the video at her apartment. I also wanted to thank you for the simpson viseo. I made my character and will have it in my next video.
07-08-08 16:15:42