Saturday, October 27, 2007

What More Info Do Republicans Need, Before We Impeach Bush?

Duration: 10:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-21 05:50:29
User: cortmeister262
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How many more laws does President Bush and his minions have to break, before the Republicans in this country realize that he's a crook? Wake up Republicans, while you were sleeping we became a fascist country.


Cortmsupporter ::: Favorites
Just a few more months, they said. he'll be gone, they said. It's ok, he got reelected, he'll be impeached soon, they said. Only a few more months...hopefully. btw (American Idol Sucks!)
07-09-26 00:46:18
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
You're hopeless, I pray that you never reproduce!
07-06-13 23:44:58
icewhite11 ::: Favorites
Your an idiot......It would never get that bad, where they would busting down regular peoples doors. If warrant less taps and searches make America safer than so be it. Not to mention the demmys would have done the same damn thing if they had control. They just make mountains out of anthills to make the gop look bad. Just like Bush bombing Iraq....didn't clinton bomb Iraq back in the 90s but didn't have the nuts to go in and do the job right?
07-06-13 23:39:04
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."- Benjamin Franklin I don't care WHO'S phone is tapped, as long as they get a WARRANT asshole! That's all this has ever been about, they have 3 days to get a warrant AFTER THE TAP! They want to do WARRANTLESS wiretaps and WARRANTLESS "no-knock", "sneak and peek" searches. Wake up and smell the tyranny! You make me sick! The GOP=EVIL!
07-06-13 23:32:31
icewhite11 ::: Favorites
I could care less if someone had my phone tapped, like I have something to hide?? Tell me you wouldn't want any possible leads phone tapped as your jumping out of a 60 story building you idiot. P.s. I can't wait for Hillary to get into office and make a national health care plan. Then they can take 1/3 out of my check and I'll be too broke to have the net and argue with idiots like you.
07-06-13 23:24:21
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
Enjoy your political obscurity you Constitution hating, freedom despising, piece of shit! GOP-RIP!
07-06-13 23:19:58
icewhite11 ::: Favorites
The patriot act...are you seriously worried about the fbi tapping your phone or accusing you of terrorism???!?!? Hey I gotta good idea, lets all vote democratic and turn this country even more into a communist state. I'm sick of paying taxes out of my check for it to go to people who don't wanna work and don't want to get real jobs that have health insurance, and then morons like you get on this trip about republicans.
07-06-13 21:59:54
Terminator20 ::: Favorites
Great video Cortmeister! The day I see Bush impeached is the day I see Donald Trump fired! :-
07-03-24 01:17:40
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
As John Dean, who served IN the Nixon administration describes it, this is "worse than Watergate".
07-03-23 06:05:33
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
At least with the advent of smaller and more powerful technology, we can see the video for ourselves and make up our own minds as to what really happened. It is amazing that anyone would be dumb enough to believe that WE would deface the VietNam Memorial, conservatives didn't even WANT that Memorial built in the 1st place!
07-03-23 06:03:43

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