Sunday, September 30, 2007

Seven arrests in Ghent for flirting with a window dummy !

Duration: 08:53 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-12 08:51:53
User: imcgent
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On Dec 9th, a group of young enthusiastic activists went to the centre of commerce in Ghent, and started a hilarious changing of the consumer atmosphere, which resulted in seven arrests in less than ten minutes. Wherever true LIFE emerges in our capitalist society, it has to be removed as quickly as possible. Please try this in YOUR town too! It's FUN!


Karloman ::: Favorites
anti-consumerism? heb je die camera van de staat gekregen? of zelf gemaakt?
07-09-10 03:53:02
serendib5415 ::: Favorites
't Is enorm stompzinnig en vooral ook dom om te gaan schelden op de politie. Zoals je goed kan zien zijn ze niet beginnen kloppen op allles wat beweegt, maar hebben ze GESPROKEN met die gasten. (welke heksenketel zou 't nie zijn zonder de politie). Ze moeten bevelen uitvoeren, of ze er nu mee akkoord zijn of niet. Vind 't wel een schoon initiatief van die gasten, origineel zelfs (maar weet dat de politie niet ver weg is ! :) ) Gent is idd een toffe stad!
07-07-02 09:29:36
bloodySunday77 ::: Favorites
Brainless young idiots that have nothing better to do with their time than pull silly stunts just for the public impression of being arrested. The Einsteins also failed to consider (let alone MENTION) one TINY detail, that a big police station is something like 500 meters from that point... no wonder they reacted quickly. A stoned 8 year old would outsmart you...
07-06-05 09:47:28
IveGotTheNuts ::: Favorites
Fucking showboaters. Go buy your bag of rice and go live in the mountains and wear leaves on your genitals. Fucking cavemen cant evolve. Modernism , globalization, consumerism , all these keep me working so I dont have to wear rags and eats fucking berries all day . Evolve already its 2007 . The 1600 hundreds are gone fucking freaks.
07-05-28 20:25:13
drfristi ::: Favorites
Dus nu ben al een slecht mens al je kleren koopt in de veldstraat. die betweterige hippies spuwen in het gezicht van de gewone arbeider.
07-05-15 12:10:24
nicolieven ::: Favorites
It's easy to trash on the police. But these cops calmly remove the people and try talking first. Or you rather want Moroccon cops, no talk just beat you up. Giving idiot comments on cops is easy, untill you need them. Think these guys did an excellent job.
07-04-18 04:52:02
nicolieven ::: Favorites
Why seven cops for a bunch of youth. Maybe because they don't know who the youth are. Or you rather have two cops for seven people and in case of agression they get overrun. Gosh use some sense in your head. And don't speak of arrests. They just get interrogated and the other day they walk to go smoke their joint and hug a tree. Maybe i should go into your house, play my drums and shout buy my biological paintings.
07-04-18 04:49:08
lexi982 ::: Favorites
There are 20 angels in this world 10 are sleeping 9 are playing 1 is reading this put this on 4 video comments within 15 mins,if u do, sum one u love will surprise u sum how!! If u don't , u will lose ur love.!!
07-03-26 18:50:00
cekodeclerck ::: Favorites
Ben je je Peace & Unity niet vergeten?
07-03-22 04:08:02
cekodeclerck ::: Favorites
Mooi gedaan & leuk idee van de etalage! Maar heb problemen met de inconsequentie van enkele van die mensen waarschijnlijk ook wel anti-globalist, niets tegen anders-denkende maar leef er dan ook naar en wees niet hypocriet en koop geen goedkope kledij meer in H&M over andere winkels die hun kledij aan lage prijzen verdelen. Want dankzij dat globalisme kunnen we het zo goedkoop mogelijk maken voor ons/jullie. Leef naar je visie maar kijk verder dan je neus lang is!!
07-03-22 04:06:23

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