Thursday, August 16, 2007

What is an atheist

Duration: 04:47 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-22 13:31:40
User: chronicbudha
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I'm answering the question " What IS an atheist ? " for

Radacoin ::: Favorites
Actually there is doubt he existed. But, I think he did and was probably crucified. Then I think he died and eventually his body turned into earth like anyone else. The people in the Bible who said they saw his spirit on the third day could have had a hallucination or they could have made it up or faked a vision, perhaps to get more followers. It's not the first time it's been done, people claiming to be divine was common back then. I think Jesus was a wise philosopher, but still just a man.
07-07-28 01:25:48
Radacoin ::: Favorites
To assume that you know the answer to the most unknowable, most discussed and most profound question on Earth is extremely arrogant to say the least. There is no empirical evidence, yes, but this doesn't imply nonexistence. I don't care what your beliefs are but to assert they are the truth, whether you are an atheist or a theist, is wrong.
07-07-28 01:32:54
paytonatch ::: Favorites
so the 500 people who recorded that they saw Jesus after his resserection were all idiots? i think theres a little more to it than 'hullucinations and faking visions' ..and realy it comes down to one question that Jesus asked Peter.Who do you say Jesus is?
07-07-28 11:17:51
Radacoin ::: Favorites
Keep in mind here, this is around 30 AD. People aren't exactly geniuses. The resurrection motif is older and not limited to Jesus. It was especially common then, there are many reports of people witnessing other prophets' resurrections. But I am not inclined to believe any of these so-called witnesses, especially not from 2000 years ago.
07-07-30 04:43:34
Radacoin ::: Favorites
As I said above, I think Jesus was a wise philosopher. His teachings of loving your enemy, the golden rule, turning the other cheek, helping the poor, are revolutionary even today, and I think his followers were so amazed by these ideas then, that they thought he had to be divine, and so the religion was formed. And so I think just as we can gain wisdom from Buddha, Gandhi, Plato, et al, we can from Christ. If you want to call him the son of God that's your deal, but I'll still call him a man.
07-07-30 04:53:22
paytonatch ::: Favorites
ok so if he was wise he would be insane to call himself the son of God.and he would also be a liar.and the miracles? well even mind freak could heal a blind man right?wait i must have missed that episode. and are you saying people in 30 a.d. couldnt recognize Jesus? did everyone look the same or something?
07-07-30 22:52:54
Radacoin ::: Favorites
Who knows if Jesus called himself the son of God or if that was added by his followers when the Bible was written. If he did think say he was, maybe he genuinely believed it, or maybe he just said to to get more people to listen to him. And I'd say the miracles were probably a combination of embellishment and invention by his followers.
07-08-02 01:55:21
Radacoin ::: Favorites
I think the most plausible situation is that Jesus did not call himself divine as there are many examples of his humility. And his miracles were embellished and invented by his followers. I think his followers were amazed by his teachings, so when they wrote the Bible they added that he was the son of God and to prove that they added his miracles, because they thought this would get his message out to more people, and of course it has worked spectacularly.
07-08-02 02:04:09
paytonatch ::: Favorites
ok so the people back then werent smart enough to see it was Jesus after he rose from the dead but they could find a way to cure blindness? wow i wish people now a days could cure blindness,keep in mind Jesus healed guys who had been blind there entire lives
07-08-02 13:42:44
Ishimaru4Death ::: Favorites
well you dont have proof that he did heal people "spritual" for a sickness or disability.I mean the guy could have closed his eyes for days and forgot how to open them and Jesus grabbed the mans eyelids and opened them just how smart peoeple where back then, so Jesus was probably smart and tricked people or something.
07-08-09 16:39:37

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