Thursday, August 16, 2007

9/11 - North Tower Crash (Stabilized, HiRez, Slowmotion)

Duration: 00:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-08 12:49:54
User: kuzja123
:::: Favorites

awesome footage of the north tower impact. whether its real or not, its amazing because this one is in high resolution, its stabilized, and its in slow motion.

richardhead ::: Favorites
I hate this word 'Conspiracy'. It is now associated with nutjobs and untruths.... when frankly its quite the opposite. Wake up.
07-07-13 20:31:50
tkwtkwtkw ::: Favorites
Wake up to what -- chaos? Are you saying this was all just a concurrence of haphazard events?
07-07-13 23:20:54
richardhead ::: Favorites
Chaos that seems, in light of evidence thats out there, orchastrated by a ruthless government hell bent on instilling fear into the hearts of not only its own people but people of other nations too, all for the mighty dollar. Haphazard events? Surely not.
07-07-14 04:43:37
911PearlHarbor ::: Favorites
densor050390 is a propagandist tool (no offense, we all gotta make a living). Planes or no planes, the fact remains that these events did not occur according to the official 'conspiracy theory'. This can be proven with minimal research of available video evidence. "Who would do such a thing?!" Go find out. Global Communism is the goal, under the guise of Capitalism ("Free Trade! Open Markets! Economic Unity!", lol how they glorify slavery and planetary destruction).
07-07-14 11:28:32
densor050390 ::: Favorites
You idiot.
07-07-19 20:40:40
toamaori ::: Favorites
what the hell was the flash before the plane hit? its almost like a missile was fired from teh "passenger" plane, some people will believe that is was 'static' electricity or something, for a real different view from an ex air force general, find neil slade on youtube and watch the video he made...
07-07-20 04:28:31
911PearlHarbor ::: Favorites
densor: Sticks and stones, buddy. Hatespeak all you like, insults never proved a point. Nor has repeating a lie ever made it true. watch?v=8uaDPp-91iE at 00:02, the left wing disappears behind a building. How can this be?
07-07-21 18:37:58
densor050390 ::: Favorites
You tv fakery idiot. Maybe because the wing blended into the background.
07-07-21 18:54:00
911PearlHarbor ::: Favorites
densor: If you keep calling me "idiot", you might hurt my delicate feelings. Please explain how a wing "blend[s] into the background." Don't worry if you can't. I can't either.
07-07-21 21:20:10
Thermate ::: Favorites
Very good clip, kuzja However, perhaps its too late? AMERICA - you are on the brink of DICTATORSHIP due to the 9/11 Big Lie and you're STILL arguing detail instead of ACTING! "Fog of war could explain why some people were confused on the day of 9/11, but it could not explain why all of the..investigations and public testimony by FAA and NORAD officials advanced an account of 9/11 that was untrue." Thomas H. Kean, Chairman, 9/11 Commission 8/4/06 w ww.patriotsquestion911. com
07-08-01 10:39:01

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