Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Terminator - "Sarah Fights Back" Deleted scene

Duration: 04:17 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-25 10:56:14
User: Motorhead06
:::: Favorites

A deleted scene from 'The Terminator'. This scene shows Sarah descovering the location of the Cyberdyne Systems factory and her attempts to convince Reese to destroy Cyberdyne and change the future. This concept was dropped from the original film and was used for the basis of Terminator 2.

artieyoyoyo ::: Favorites
god when reese pulled that gun at sarah i thought it was funny as hell!
07-08-26 00:30:09
Baronessa ::: Favorites
It would be hilarious if Reese had shot Sarah in this scene.
07-08-19 11:15:41
JediofZen ::: Favorites
No seriously...I have to agree that this IS an interesting scene, but it's probably good that it was left out. It reveals a little too much of T2.
07-08-16 02:46:10
xenepp ::: Favorites
It would have slowed things down too much. Kyle was a winey bitch there too. At least we know where the idea for T2 came from now! So where's the footage they cut that screws up their plan?
07-08-16 17:23:47
JediofZen ::: Favorites
My mission impregnate you.
07-08-16 02:42:32
Dexomus22 ::: Favorites
damn as u said man this scene sucks
07-08-11 22:26:15
SharkiESR ::: Favorites
No wonder this scene got deleted. Future soldier cries! "Boo hoo hoo!" After sara finally got leid thats how she repays him. KICK HIM UN THE NUTS! BITCH!
07-08-09 03:27:08
SharkiESR ::: Favorites
Can you fucking imagine Cameron almost sealed this movie up for any possible sequal?!?! Blow the factory with no special effects, no Dyson, no T-1000, no John conor.
07-08-09 03:22:14
andersondd ::: Favorites
She`s hot! hUAHUA
07-08-03 08:54:58
kommisar ::: Favorites
I can see what you're saying about the plot alteration, but even if this scene was included in the movie when they made the nitroglycerin bombs at the hotel it would still seem to me like they were making them for more weapons against The Terminator. Keep in mind that all Reese had was a measly pistol, which didn't do shit other than fuck up its skin, and those bombs weren't enough to take out a building.
07-07-26 02:44:28
dilogi ::: Favorites
Reese and Sarah attempt the destruction of Cyberdyne. They fail. Terminator, the movie, ends on a low. Reese impregnates Sarah with John and successfully completes his mission. The movie ends on a high. Cameron did not want to disclose this information out to the public. It would have made the filming of this scene seem as if it were a mistake and a last minute alteration (which it was).
07-07-26 16:32:38
kommisar ::: Favorites
That really does make sense, but like I said, I do not recall James saying that was the reason for the cut. If it was, I didn't hear that from his mouth. Your logic makes sense, don't get me wrong. Yes, that would be disappointing for moviegoers to see the war would still come about (even though they did that anyway in "T3" which pissed everyone off) but all I know is JAMES said it was for the emotional build-up.
07-07-26 22:51:47
dilogi ::: Favorites
I am however, stating that Cameron did not want the public to see the deletion of the scene as a mistake/last minute alteration of the plot. Therefore, the reason behind Cameron's "emotional build up" explanation was merely to cover up a move that could have been viewed as a mistake. Thus, it was more of a cover up than anything else.
07-07-27 16:22:12
kommisar ::: Favorites
I don't think he was scared of people viewing this scene as a "mistake". He's admitted to lots of deleted scenes as in the sequel. Maybe he just views the deletion of it more for the whole emotional build-up reason rather than the whole plot direction thing. I don't really think he was trying to cover anything up, like, "Oh, I can't let the audience know I fucked up." He's not scared like that.
07-07-28 01:59:05
dilogi ::: Favorites
I hope this answers your question kommisar
07-07-26 02:13:37
kommisar ::: Favorites
Not sure what my question was to be honest. Did I write it earlier up in the comments? I only remember James saying he cut it because he wanted that emotional build-up to continue until the hotel room, and that here it was too early to let it out. He wanted to keep it going so it would when Reese told Sarah all that shit in the hotel it would be that much more powerful.
07-07-26 02:43:01
dilogi ::: Favorites
Yea, but bombs? Against the Terminator? It doesn't sound convincing. Trust me, had this scene stayed in the Final Cut, the story line would have drastically changed. The whole movie was a sequel waiting to happen. Had they directed the movie in a way in which Reese and Sarah were trying to destroy Cyberdyne, Reese's attempts at protecting Sarah as well as Sarah's impregnation with John would have been overlooked. Think about it....
07-07-26 16:32:44
kommisar ::: Favorites
I understand what you're saying but James said it was cut for the emotional build-up and I really don't remember him saying anything about the plot direction. But on that thought, maybe James ORIGINALLY didn't WANT a sequel.... Yes, bombs would be perfect against The Terminator. Even if they weren't close enough to fuck him up mechanically, it would do plenty of superficial damage, enough to make his disguise inadequate.
07-07-26 22:49:34
dilogi ::: Favorites
I understand the fact that Cameron had insisted the reason behind the removal of the scene was to prevent unnecessary emotional build up. In fact, I believe I mentioned that in one of my previous comments....
07-07-27 16:22:19
dilogi ::: Favorites
DNLAR145 - The reason they cut this scene is because of the fact that it would have completely altered the plot. The main conflict of the movie is Terminator, and how Reese manages to protect Sarah from it. Had this clip stayed in the movie, the entire movie would have had a completely different story line. Think about it....
07-07-26 02:12:45

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