Saturday, August 25, 2007

question 1

Duration: 01:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-30 21:39:29
User: allpowersrise
:::: Favorites

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VreeFisions ::: Favorites
Keep listening to Tool, shut off SOAD...peace.
07-08-06 14:13:36
vizionknight7 ::: Favorites
People cling to groups because they want to belong even if they know that the group is unprogressive as long as they are accepted...and since acceptance is there only motive, they adhere blindly to the group's core beliefs...some have a choice to leave that group, others are born into it (cults, religions) and to leave would be to leave there cherished friendships so they stay even if they know the group system is wrong...To few (wicked) leaders, too many followers..."scared sheep."
07-06-25 23:16:13
allpowersrise ::: Favorites
so true...
07-06-26 07:14:02
DreamerOfNight ::: Favorites
You're very right. We need to think for ourselves rather than letting everyone else think for us. We need to be individuals. I agree with your video about religion as well. Don't be so nervous! It's only a camera. :)
07-05-31 22:16:27
allpowersrise ::: Favorites
hahaa...yeah but the camera becomes very menacing at times...anyway, thx for the comment...
07-06-01 16:27:33
w0rldpeace ::: Favorites
I'm being forced into a situation to shave my beard and cut my hair. WTF?
07-05-31 17:40:03
UniversalBrother108 ::: Favorites
WTF, indeed.
07-06-09 00:09:50
FullyAware ::: Favorites
Perhaps society is built in a way that nobody wants to think for themselves. Most likely a few want lots of money and power and they will do anything to achieve it. Lots of advertising making us believe we need stuff and wars to control what is not ours. Perhaps is time to ask what can we do to make people think for themselves using youtube and give power to the individual?
07-05-31 16:38:27
allpowersrise ::: Favorites
amen brother...
07-06-01 15:58:32
theduderinok ::: Favorites
I applaud you bro. It's not easy to follow the path of the truth-seeker. I too see the hypocrisy all around us and especially within religious dogma. stay true to yourself. peace and love :-)
07-05-31 06:39:51
allpowersrise ::: Favorites
yeah but i could go on for days about topics like these...i just have to practice getting use to the camera...=P
07-05-31 12:56:05
drschnaggels ::: Favorites
Humans by natur are afraid of groups larger then themselfs, therefor beeing part of the group creates the feeling of safety -most of them would betray or leave the group in an instant if there were another that gives even more safety. Standing outside of it with a unique oppinion is terrifying because we feel so alone -in the group we have our brothers and sisters that defend and can be a problem , it can also be a solution..just my 2 cents. Great Vlog.
07-05-30 22:03:29
allpowersrise ::: Favorites
i greatly apreciate the response...and thats exactly what im trying to say throughout history the only great advances in human culture and socioty were made by people who defied that fear...why dont people realize that its the only way to make a difference...also i think its something on a more primal level, to fallow without question...i mean from birth were tought to fallow and the conciquences for not fallowing are obviously punishment...
07-05-30 22:09:25
drschnaggels ::: Favorites
i agree, its very primal. We can see it happen even on a small scale -yesterday i was walking down the street, a group of 6 were headed torwards me -i could have just walked by them, but instead i changed to the other sidewalk -the group felt safe, i was afraid and didnt even notice that.
07-05-30 22:23:44
allpowersrise ::: Favorites
exactly...and thats what ive been fighting all my life...i am my own group, i rely on myself for safety...
07-05-30 22:28:36

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