Thursday, August 2, 2007

Iraq conspiracy

Duration: 2748 seconds
Upload Time: 06-03-08 16:19:18
User: smorgas22
:::: Favorites

simon reeves looks into the reasons behind the war in Iraq, from oil to the petrodollar to US supremacy and finishes with the Iranian Oil Bourse to trade oil in Euro, set to go online in March 2006, and how that mgiht be the cause for a war with Iran.

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Mahdiarmy ::: Favorites
grow up or read books.
07-07-31 20:29:41
WarCrime911 ::: Favorites
I do read books, here's a few basic ones: 'Behold a Pale Horse' by William Cooper. '1984' or 'Animal Farm both by George Orwell, 'Catch-22', 'Debunking 9/11 Debunking' by David Ray Griffin, 'The Plan for the New American Century, Rebuilding America's Defenses', 'Bloodlines of the Illuminatti', 'Mein Kampf' by Adolf Hitler (especially where he talks about the BIG LIE TACTIC) Also Try reading the Reichstag Fire Decree, the US Patriot Act and the GOD FORSAKEN CONSTITUTION! You FAKE-ass American!
07-07-31 22:10:54
SicLuceatLux2 ::: Favorites
HILLARY / CHINESE CONNECTIONS Google: "THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY- how decades of clinton double-dealing compromised our national security" Google: "Downside Legacy at two degrees of Bill Clinton" "High Treason" -click: "Time Lines" -then click: "People" - "Events"
07-08-01 03:40:49
Lam168 ::: Favorites
Yeah! Very good excuse. First invaiding Kuwait, sec involde in 9/11, third WMD's, forth dictatorship and now Al Qaida. You should think about the next excuses are to rebuilding Iraq and protecting oil.
07-08-01 06:57:41
Lam168 ::: Favorites
You don't understand don't you? Al Qaida had never been there before the US's invasion. The Iraqi supports Al Qauida because they are fighting the US for them. It is like you rob into and punch the hosts because they kick you.
07-08-01 07:04:54
hameedzaidi ::: Favorites
Fuck Zionist Jews and Zionist Christians, fuck them bastards motherfucker Kabaalists, imperialists, rapists NWO freaks
07-08-01 08:16:51
bill10979 ::: Favorites
Wed., August 01, 2007 U.S. checking possibility of pumping oil from N. Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan A. Cohen "The USA has asked Israel to check the possibility of pumping oil from Iraq to the oil refineries in Haifa. The request came in a telegram last week from the Pentagon to a Foreign Ministry official in Israel. The PM's Office, which views the pipeline to Haifa as a "bonus" the U.S. could give to Israel in return for its support."
07-08-01 09:31:11
tizzy741 ::: Favorites
Somehow American leadership, whose only credit is lying to its people and illegally invading a nation, has been allowed to steal the courage, virtue and honor of its soldiers on the ground. Somehow those afraid to fight an illegal invasion decades ago are allowed to send soldiers to die for an illegal invasion they started. Somehow profiting from tragedy and horror is tolerated. Oct 19, 2006 . By Kevin Tillman RON PAUL "08" click tizzy741 I have great documentaries and info
07-08-01 22:25:51
loki98765 ::: Favorites
wow.. i see i found the insane portion of youtube... you people need help... seriously
07-08-02 02:29:35
envyjealous ::: Favorites
Monkey do, Monkey does... "Greedy" people do not have conscience... Engraved on their "tombstone" it says... "Here lays the bastard who deserved to burn in "HELL"
07-08-02 02:34:55

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