Thursday, August 2, 2007

Blood and Chocolate Official Trailer #2

Duration: 88 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-23 18:30:08
User: MGMStudiosInc
:::: Favorites

With the Five on her tail, a young beautiful werewolf named Vivian (Bruckner) seeks peace in the arms of Aiden (Dancy) while escaping the never-ending infatuation Gabriel (Martinez) has on her. But when a string of accidental murders happen, this threatens to rip and expose her pack apart.

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Knafre ::: Favorites
I agree to some point, but I can't quite grasp the notion of HP being crappy. It may not be as good as Pullman's series and Tolkien's fantastic books, but I think of HP as an entertaining, engaging and fun-to-read series. On the matter of Stephen King and Anne Rice, I wholeheartedly agree.
07-07-27 07:41:01
RowanFortuneWood ::: Favorites
'Fun-to-read' is not an excessive claim and I suppose it could come down to personal taste, in which case we should agree to disagree. I do know a few people, including a sibling, who share your estimation and I respect that judgement. What really annoys me is that HP is given more credence than books that are simply 'entertaining, engaging and fun-to-read' deserve. There is so much out there that is far superior yet ignored.
07-07-27 08:03:09
Knafre ::: Favorites
Yes! But what I think is far more sad is that the superior books/comics are now being noticed..and made into movies. Pullman's books. Gaiman's Stardust. I find the HP-movies both entertaining and endlessly annoying. And I loathe the HP-merchandise.
07-07-27 08:09:09
Knafre ::: Favorites
I feel that if a story is judged good enough to send out to the general public, the Big Guys always exploit it for what it's worth. And because of that, I am sort of relieved that certain wonderful books remain exclusive for those who are willing to search. I am sort of relieved. At first I thought you were one of those people who are not willing to explain their opinions. Where are you from?
07-07-27 08:12:47
RowanFortuneWood ::: Favorites
I'm from the UK. I also made an assumption and thought you would be some kind of unreasonable HP fan. It is refreshing to have an amicable discussion on this subject. I agree with you about how commercialization can damage novels, but certain books seem to encourage it. The sweets and cards imbedded into the storyline of Harry Potter are ripe for commercialization, which in my opinion is a reason for its success. Alternatively, LOTR must be distorted to make it commercially viable.
07-07-27 18:23:49
Knafre ::: Favorites
I'm from Norway. The weather here is ghastly! (been waiting for an opportunity to use that term, sorry!) The LOTR-movies were better than I'd expected, to tell the truth. I'm always anxious when a book I've read and enjoyed is suddenly made into a movie and commercialized.
07-07-28 12:21:07
Knafre ::: Favorites
HP is a^n engaging reading experience, with characters and plots that are interesting and worth some time. That's where the HP-mania stops for me. Sure, I waited 4 hours in a queue to get book 7 - I'm a booknerd. I needed closure^^
07-07-28 12:22:02
RowanFortuneWood ::: Favorites
The weathers fairly ghastly here too ;) LOTR movies were reasonable; it was the merchandise I didn't like.
07-07-28 12:32:03
Knafre ::: Favorites
The merchandise is IMPOSSIBLE to like. Although, if they made REAL wands...
07-07-28 12:34:10
velvetsmallmommasg ::: Favorites
teens on webcam at YOURCAMSINGLES dot COM
07-08-02 01:34:36

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