Tuesday, October 2, 2007

travel through the universe

Duration: 02:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-18 23:18:43
User: oberon79
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the white dots represents exactly 2.000.000 stars, the via lactea (milky way) has probably (100 billions) stars in the total. so, our galaxy has 50.000x more stars than we can see in this video.


andrewwarmen ::: Favorites
07-09-22 17:13:50
njfreddy ::: Favorites
The Word of God created everything seen and unseen and the Woed became flesh ...Jesus is God!!!
07-09-21 06:28:39
Rigo8428 ::: Favorites
Oh wow, what program is this used on?
07-09-02 23:20:56
majorvoltage ::: Favorites
Yes, the big bang created the universe. That's why we have the cosmic background radiation (black body radiation from when the universe was denser and hotter), that's why we have a linear correlation between the distance of galaxies and their redshift (expanding space-time), that's why galaxy superclusters have a filamentary structure (inflated quantum fluctuations).
07-08-27 20:28:59
majorvoltage ::: Favorites
Unlike the other planets in the solar system, the earth is the correct distance from the sun to have liquid water and be able to support carbon based life. That's the reason we find ourselves here and no on Venus for example. It's called the anthropic principle.
07-08-27 20:25:32
majorvoltage ::: Favorites
What sweet spot? We are one of 8 objects considered to be planets, among countless millions of smaller pieces of ice and rock orbiting one average star out of ~400 billion in one galaxy out of 100's of billions in the universe. And we're finding now that a great many, if not the majority, of stars out there have planets orbiting them.
07-08-27 20:23:36
JoBoHo2007 ::: Favorites
I would love to see how you think the universe was created, the big bang lol fucking sure....and we just so happened to get in the "sweet spot", fuck that shit, you really think that we were made by accident, then you must really be fucked.
07-08-27 14:41:06
majorvoltage ::: Favorites
I'm really not interested in apologetics' desperate rationalizations for the gross inaccuracies of the bible. If you have to believe your god is so incompetent that he doesn't know the difference between a day and 3 billion years, rather than admitting that the bible was written by bronze age primitives who knew squat about the universe, you're welcome to do so. But I would suggest that you keep it to yourself if you don't want to look really foolish in public.
07-08-27 14:32:17
JoBoHo2007 ::: Favorites
Where does it say that god did 24 hour periods..., to god a day could be a year...
07-08-27 14:13:50
drummajor0687 ::: Favorites
Do you seriously think we are nothing more than a cosmic accident? I hope one day your able to open your mind to other possiblities.
07-08-24 16:02:42

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