Sunday, October 21, 2007

Smash Bros Brawl Stages ALL Confirmed and in video responses

Duration: 04:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-31 09:43:08
User: Androsjlouca
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NEW STAGES ARE IN VIDEO RESPONSES "Battlefield" is the type of stage where you can enjoy the most basic of matches. There is one large platform with three pass-through platforms. Despite its simplistic design, it gives birth to a wide array of strategies during battle. This time, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, many stages will undergo elaborate changes during battle. On Battlefield, the main platform will not change... until night comes Delfino Plaza- This is the central town of Isle Delfino, the tropical setting of Super Mario Sunshine. Wow! That blue ocean is bright on the eyes. This particular battle stage flies around the skies above the island.After a thrilling landing, it becomes a normal battle stage.This flight path repeats, providing great sightseeing and brawling. The changing scenery is so beautiful, you get absorbed in it. Yoshi's Island- Shy Guys often make guest appearances, and the Support Ghost can appear suddenly, aiding players on occasion.The highlight of this stage is its seasonal changes, as it goes from spring to summer to fall and then winter. Lylat Cruise- The Lylat System is the general term for the region of space featured in the Star Fox games. Here, you will fight on top of a spaceship while warping to various locations.The fight rages on as the ship barrels through asteroids, dogfights, and even the atmosphere of Corneria. A-Are you going to be OK? Bridge of Eldin- This area appeared in the Wii game The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. If you've played that title, you ought to remember this place. And the enemy leader, King Bulblin, makes cameo appearances. Occasionally, he uses bombs to blast holes in the stage. Smashville-If you play a match here on Saturday at 8PM... Oh, I'm too excited to even say it! That's right, a live performance. It's a good time to be alive... Rumble Falls- This stage is based on the look and feel of Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat, which was played using the DK Bongos. The key here is to keep climbing up and up.The screen slowly scrolls upward, so if you don't want to get left behind, you'd better get to climbing. Oh, and don't forget to pummel your opponents on the way. Skyworld- Behold the Kid Icarus stage! You can go ahead and call it Pit's home turf if you like. The floor's crumbling construction makes it easy to shatterNot having a floor does increase the danger factor, though. Why? Because it's a long way down, that's why! Castle siege- This stage represents the Fire Emblem world. It's an enemy castle in the midst of battle—but it's not set in a particular castle, nor is it from a particular game in the series. There are plenty of scenes like this throughout the Fire Emblem series, aren't there? So imagine it however you choose.Fireballs launched by catapults dance in the skies above the castle. Then, as time passes...See the stone statues in the throne room? You can break them to bits.Oh, but it doesn't end here. Quick! To the underground! What's the underground like? You can look forward to finding out later. WarioWare- In the WarioWare games, you must master a variety of microgames in 5 seconds, making them the fastest and shortest games ever. You might want to look into it in more detail. In trying to recreate that atmosphere in Smash Bros. Brawl, we've created an outrageous stage!


HellBoy10 ::: Favorites
why is yoshi orange :D? -_-
07-10-18 00:19:58
Bammerman ::: Favorites
i thought i saw rayman but isn't he originally from PSX?
07-10-15 23:50:52
dazuara ::: Favorites
son of a ·$·"%
07-10-15 18:54:04
skyrunner14 ::: Favorites
That's not the real box art...
07-10-15 14:47:42
dazuara ::: Favorites
rayman will be in the game so they have to put the rabbids yeah!
07-10-15 12:20:49
FredFredBurger5 ::: Favorites
For the US
07-10-14 19:21:48
MASTERMARIO20 ::: Favorites
for UK or US
07-10-13 06:16:53
TariqX2 ::: Favorites
07-10-13 02:11:52
fiercedeitywolf ::: Favorites
I know, but I posted this a shitload of time before that happened.
07-10-12 16:02:11
Glitchmasterlink ::: Favorites
SSBB Comes out in Feb 10th 2008 It Changed!!
07-10-11 23:54:46

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