Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Kraissy144 : Austin Stevens - Cobra Bite

Duration: 05:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-29 20:31:45
User: Kraissy144
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Austin Stevens gets bitten by a Cobra in Egypt!! BEFORE YOU WRITES SOMETHING, I just want to tell that he is a professional snake handeler.. This is just a glip.. I knows 100% what he is doing, and he is just getting the snake pissed, so he can get what he camed for.. NICE PHOTOS! And for the 2nd: He is not trying to copy Steve Irwin! Austin was handeling snakes before Steve got born!!


snakeman678 ::: Favorites
Harassed? This snake was different than every other cobra in the world. The usual strike range of a cobra is the length of its poised body off the ground. This snake lunged and bit unlike the usual lean to the ground style bite. No one could have forseen this hapening.
07-10-01 09:37:17
rthangiah ::: Favorites
what ar u doing
07-10-01 05:01:42
vhqpa ::: Favorites
Go on sport try it with a Inland Taipan. I can guarantee you won't be back 2 hours later. I feel sorry for the poor snake getting harassed.
07-09-29 12:39:54
danpt2000 ::: Favorites
That seemed like a pretty irritable snake. damn...
07-09-29 04:39:06
whokilledjimmy ::: Favorites
oh she's very beautiful. oh yeah. he's so damn crazy..
07-09-28 05:43:22
chakkname ::: Favorites
Thats real smart! go fuck with the same snake that bit you 2 hours prior. I just have to ask why?
07-09-28 00:04:39
snakeman678 ::: Favorites
How can you say that about one of the best Herpetologists in the entire world? Obviously Mr.Stevens knows the risks of what he is doing and you probably havent seen his "Most Striking Moments" When he describes what had happened. Obviously you are the low end of the animal kingdom because you are commenting on only 4:34 of his show. Learn about the people you comment on.
07-09-24 19:50:29
Candiru7 ::: Favorites
Sooo stupid. the animal is trying to just get away. My God some people are really on the low end of the animal kingdom.
07-09-23 01:15:19
junkieperson66 ::: Favorites
lol well thats what he gets for pissing off that snake and putting his hand in frount of it and getting that close like why didenthe jus take the fuckin picture. but this is one of the only 3 types of snakes i like and this one is soo cute
07-09-19 20:08:41
velikch ::: Favorites
Check this clip out, this kid started training in cobra handling from birth. Far superior to Austin Stevens: watch?v=82sBxSZBbUk
07-09-19 00:27:35

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