Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fox attacks

Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-19 02:06:39
User: ivannattor
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is fow news racist towards blacks? well i think they might be....then again they are bitches anyway...real news my ass


boston4877 ::: Favorites
white culture? lmao there is no such thing! There are dozens of different cultures amoung white people. Irish culture is different from English culture, which is different from French culture, which is different from German culture, which is different from Swiss culture. Don't make such an uneducated blanket racist statement.
07-09-23 13:32:58
ivannattor ::: Favorites
oh god do they ever...hell my parents still do it once in a while so i tell them they are racist then they are like no its not then i am like yes it is so stfu.and then i have to go and tell em how i better not hear them bitch how the whites are racist while they sit there and call em gringo...and of course i win the argument. hahaha
07-09-23 03:18:28
deathtotubez ::: Favorites
because white men are to buisy being pedophiles. and by the way look at the white neighboorhoods compared to the black ones before you talk shit about equality
07-09-22 23:58:10
deathtotubez ::: Favorites
ur right its not that bad anymore but you cant deny the fact that racism still goes and i see it in school everyday so you cant deny it. Teachers do it ,students do it and parents do it
07-09-22 23:56:37
angeredsmile2 ::: Favorites
Yeah your right the black community needs to stop whining as your no longer opressed, you have so many services catered to you specifically now. How come there are no "White Scholarships" oh yeah that would be racist......I forgot
07-09-14 22:04:36
angeredsmile2 ::: Favorites
Thank you the first lady on here was 100% correct! Thank you Thank you! My wife is a nurse and sees so many black people coming in having babies that are so rude and disrepectful and unpolite to those trying to help them.
07-09-14 22:01:42
n1ggers ::: Favorites
Congratulations on your purchase of a brand new nigger! If handled properly, your apeman will give years of valuable, if reluctant, service. INSTALLING YOUR NIGGER. You should install your nigger differently according to whether you have purchased the field or house model. Field niggers work best in a serial configuration, i.e. chained together. Chain your nigger to another nigger immediately after unpacking it, and don't even think about taking that chain off, ever.
07-08-14 22:49:40
ladycgreen ::: Favorites
I don't believe that we should hide our cultural problems with the idea of race from media, However, you want to attack black culture, there is no other cultural history that is as destructive as white peoples. Oh and by the way, you know minorities are not the reason why we are in war now, we didn't vote for bush. The truth is, we are all oppressors until we can deliver ourselves from our own oppression.
07-08-10 02:41:56
ladycgreen ::: Favorites
i think that is awful that fox and all those jealous mo fos created ridiculous propaganda, pay attention to the devls' mouth, he says Obama has a lot of white advisors, (obviously he is not racist) and then turn around and say that their is something wrong with the mission statement of Obama's church, which is to help black communities, Well somebody needs to
07-08-10 02:23:11
boston4877 ::: Favorites
im going back that far to prove a point...back then, people stuck with their own people. Whites stayed in white neighborhoods and blacks in black neighborhoods. Can you explain why black men target white women, and white men dont target black women???
07-07-18 20:37:31

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