Friday, October 26, 2007

CHANGE confronts John McCain in NH Part 2 of 2

Duration: 06:05 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-25 16:22:30
User: wearechange
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Republican presidential candidate John McCain was literally overwhelmed by reporters from and seeking 9/11 truth during a campaign stop. McCain, who wrote the forward to Popular Mechanics' Debunking 9/11 Myths, repeatedly told reporters, "I do not support a new investigation" and stated that he believes the "9/11 Commission did a good job." But other reporters continued to hammer the complicit senator with further questions and demands for a new 9/11 investigation. Seemingly frustrated that he could not simply brush off 9/11 truthers, McCain retreated to his SUV where he entertained questions from the mainstream media only. Staff members attempted to take away a bullhorn and remove alternative media from the site, but backed off at warnings not to assault the reporters or stifle the first amendment. Reporters cited hundreds of witnesses, including police officers, firefighters and former janitor William Rodriguez, who all reported hearing bombs go off in the lower levels of the WTC towers-- accounts that contradict the basic findings of the 9/11 Commission. McCain flatly told reporters that he did not support a new investigation and claimed to have "additional information," stating that he did not believe there was a cover-up. If such settling "additional information" indeed exists, John McCain has an obligation to share it-- though the mere fact that he has withheld information about 9/11 from the public seems to directly point to a cover-up. Reporters also asked McCain about links with Ed Failor of Iowans for Tax Relief who hosted the recent televised forum for Republican presidential candidates and expressly left out Congressman Ron Paul. John McCain admitted that Ed Failor was a paid staff member working for his campaign. McCain wrote in Debunking 9/11 Myths, "Blaming some conspiracy within our government for the horrific attacks of September 11 mars the memories of all those lost on that day." Yet when reporters emphasized the fact that it is family members of 9/11 victims who want a new investigation, McCain merely walks away.


piebster1 ::: Favorites
great stuff guys!! 2 bad 99% of your population is either redneck or fascist. keep up.
07-10-26 03:20:27
dogwagger ::: Favorites
the last comment to the target of these "interogations" should be, "Why are you cutting and running now Mr McCain?" You are cutting and running now Sir...
07-10-25 18:38:35
joefortruth ::: Favorites
Still great to watch, what an inspiration.
07-10-15 19:57:46
aannkk ::: Favorites
go after hilary and obama next. then edwards, please
07-10-01 03:40:03
proteinspill ::: Favorites
Hilary's been done
07-10-14 00:24:33
Tesselator ::: Favorites
Whoops... McCain said: "The income tax was challenged in the supreme court and upheld as being constitutional, I know that." That misleading at best and a downright LIE at average. The supreme court said that the US income tax is not applicable to individual wage earners and is ONLY applicable to "corporate gains". Meaning that if you're a corporation you have to pay but otherwise not. And this guy is running for president? I wouldn't elect him for the Mickey Mouse Club!
07-09-11 02:07:56
yammitor ::: Favorites
If they Assinate Ron Paul : "The Revolution, its on !!!"
07-09-01 20:46:13
moe182 ::: Favorites
They shot Kennedy... it wouldn't surprise me if they tried to.
07-10-13 10:02:44

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