Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Billie Joe Vs. Gerard Way

Duration: 02:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-20 08:19:08
User: thegorks
:::: Favorites

gerard way wants billy to stop copying him! i made this for killola to return the favor to lisa rieffel(from killola, obviously) for singing on "that shit would be ill". she wanted me to make an animated music video for their song "down" but i did this instead. i figured this was more something up my alley, and had the idea to make it for myself for a while. just replace "killola" with "david moron and the gorks" and theres my original idea. including the whole "their lead singer looks good in makeup" line. a little mascara probably wouldn't be bad for my awesome image, you know. PHHHHHHHHHHH and for the record, i have nothing against either bands(but if i had to choose it would be greenday over MCR). i just saw a magazine clipping with both those pics on the same page and thought it was funny. the point really was to get people to check out killola, not fall in love with their music.

rella1987 ::: Favorites
This was funny as hell!
07-09-03 02:50:01
DrowningLessons92 ::: Favorites
ok i laughed my head off! over that whole video!! thats was hillarious! but mcr are amazing! (so is reen day) n tht was kinda nasty about them! (but reallf funny aswel! lol) anyhoo! what was all the crying about with Gee? haha i treally dont think this video has any truth in it atall lol xxx
07-08-30 08:56:45
BlackCatOnUrWay ::: Favorites
green day is better than mcr...but i like mcr too
07-08-28 10:05:47
GreenDayLas ::: Favorites
i well pissed myself over that! hahahahahaha
07-08-28 08:41:44
KaelEmo091190 ::: Favorites
Greenday rule as do MCR, Killola suck ass <3
07-08-28 06:25:34
silverbracelet6 ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHA!!! Eh man why don't you back off and GET THE FUCK OUUTT OF MYYY FAACCEEEE!!!! LOL!!!!
07-08-26 22:57:24
wwscc16 ::: Favorites
Green Day and MCR r amazing bands and this is wrong! ;/
07-08-24 10:10:16
Greenddayfanatic ::: Favorites
black shirt + red tie is billies thing first
07-08-24 01:40:30
0sugarmarie ::: Favorites
this was so f*cking hilarious!
07-08-23 18:35:14
PATDandFOBluver ::: Favorites
OMG Gerard haha XD Crying Mememememememe *sniff* memememe haha
07-08-21 13:52:36

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