Sunday, August 12, 2007

"Seven is Exploding"

Duration: 355 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-30 13:56:24
User: luogocomune
:::: Favorites

In April 2007, Italian TV broadcasted a definite proof that Building 7 was demolished by explosives. For the rest of the series, go to

DaveIrie ::: Favorites
Wow really techinical analysis there
07-08-09 00:45:03
DaveIrie ::: Favorites
07-08-09 00:48:15
underriot ::: Favorites
It does? High school physics teaches you nothing about the theory of deformable materials. It is clear from more advanced mechanics (that of deformable materials) that buckling is one of the lowest stress failure modes possible, but usually one of the most catastrophic. Taking into account the length/material and associated material constants of the facade and associated supports, it's easy to see how the buckling failure mode occurred.
07-08-09 02:53:25
underriot ::: Favorites
The problem with WTC conspiracies, is that I never see structural engineers that are pro-conspiracy, most always the opposite. And I find most of the conspiracy theorists have little technical background in the physical/engineering sciences beyond basic secondary courses... so I say.. conspiracy debunked.
07-08-09 02:58:26
nb6677 ::: Favorites
Giuliani illegally exported crime scene evidence ASAP. Bloomberg hid Firefighter's 911 'oral histories' until 2005. FDNY reported many synchronized explosions in Twin Towers-WTC. Bushs'brother led Securacom, security company for WTC.Dogs patrolled WTC until 2 wks b4 911. Unprecedented scheduled power downs weekend b4 911. WTC CEO Silverstein admitted on national PBS TV: officials ordered WTC7 pulled. Google: Justice 9/11-9min, '911 Mysteries'2hr,'Loose Change'2hr and Terrorstorm-2hr
07-08-09 09:01:30
infantryofficer ::: Favorites
Notice the word "if". If in this context means something totally different thant might. They might and if they did are differenent. telling it like it is. He would be the first to go.
07-08-09 10:51:20
infantryofficer ::: Favorites
The only reason it "exists" in the first place is because these idiots have splice video to make it appear to exist. Every fucking video footage that I saw on 9-11 has been splice by them to say or appear as something else.
07-08-09 10:53:01
capelipl ::: Favorites
this video shows conclusively that the event was planned and diseminated by willing news orgs to confuse the media audience as to the true authors of the 911 mass murder event, the bbc joins many treasonist news orgs in the usa who have demonistrated a commitent to that group within the american govt seeking a fascist evolution of the american republic. bbc you have shown the people where you stand,and we will never forget you choice.
07-08-10 18:57:07
lrdspoon ::: Favorites
That is true! In fact his debut into political life was to become the Director of the C.I.A. How do you just come out of nowhere and become director of the C.I.A? He claims he never worked for them before that point. Also look up how Bush Senior's father Prescott Bush financed the nazis, and had his bank, Union Bank closed for doing business with the enemy. He also was involved with the Heinz (yes the ketchup) family and others attempt to overthrow F.D.R. and implement nazi ideology.
07-08-11 06:45:20
klm541 ::: Favorites
8-6-07: NYC Mayor Bloomberg ignored questions on 9-11-01 cover-up and ignored accusations of ban on freedom of filming in NYC, and reporter was threatened with arrest! youtube(dot)com/watch?v=guKprYHg3W8 infowars(dot)com wearechange(dot)com Bloomberg hid Firefighter's 9-11-01 Oral Histories, testimony of countless sequenced explosions in Twin Towers, until 2005.
07-08-11 13:10:58

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