Thursday, August 23, 2007

Genesis Hoaxes (1): God

Duration: 06:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-30 17:37:15
User: ChurchBandit
:::: Favorites

NOTE: As a few Viewers have pointed out, there is an "error" @ position 1:35. The era should read: A.D. (or C.E.). DESCRIPTION: Did the original author of Genesis actually use the word "GOD" in his writings? Suppose the word HE DID USE meant something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!? Would you like to know more? DISCOVER how the original Hebrew scriptures DIFFER from their English counterparts. And the messages they intended to convey. References/Sources available upon request.

therightstuff90731 ::: Favorites
So its facts you want. But you know people talk about faith. I think you should ask God to reveal Himself to you so you will know him on a personal level. U could disect the bible all your life looking to it for facts. Not wanting to upset you just saying.
07-08-18 15:05:09
therightstuff90731 ::: Favorites
There was a little boy on the beach with a bucket was putting the ocean in a hole he made. A saint came by and asked him what he was doing and the boy told him. The saint said you can't do that? The little boy replied then why are you trying to understand the Holy Trinity and then the boy vanished with the little boy being the child Jesus.
07-08-18 15:19:12
ChurchBandit ::: Favorites
Hi <b>rightstuff</b> U should know that <b>FAITH</b> <u>does not</u> mean <b>TURN OFF YOUR BRAIN</b>.
07-08-18 23:39:07
therightstuff90731 ::: Favorites
No but it could mean to awake your soul. What if I am not talking about your brain but your soul. Maybe you need to turn off your brain. Bible Proverbs Chapter 3 verse 6 on your own intelligence rely not.
07-08-19 01:38:27
ChurchBandit ::: Favorites
And <b>WHAT</b> verse u r quoting? <b>Prv3:6</b> says: <i><b>IN ALL THY WAYS <u>acknowledge him</u>, and he shall direct thy paths.</b></i> It says <b>NOTHING</b> about <u>turning <b>OFF</b> ur brain</u>. But if u want 2 go <b>BEYOND FACE VALUE</b>, t/same verse <u>n/Hebrew</u> reads: <b>Derek yada yashar 'orach</b>. <b>TRANSLATION:</b> </i>The <b>WAY</b> (Journey/Road) to <b>KNOWLEDGE</b> is a <b>RIGHTEOUS PATH</b>. &#9827;
07-08-19 20:06:29
ChurchBandit ::: Favorites
Hi <b>rightstuff</b> What prey-tale does "<b>wake your soul</b> mean? Are u just <b>making things up as u go</b> n an <u>attempt 2 sound <b>intelligent</b></u>? OH! But <u>it can not b intelligence</u> bcz ur <b>brain</b> s/n/t <b>OFF</b> mode! Biblically, t/words <b>body</b> & <b>soul</b> <u>mean t/same thing</u>. But <u>some ppl</u>, use t/words <b>soul</b> & <b>spirit</b> interchangeably. To <b>WHICH</b> r <b>U</b> referring?
07-08-19 20:07:14
ChilliiWillii ::: Favorites
I'm a Bibly Mysteries kind'v guy! This video is daBOM!!! Wait ... There's more? Ureka!!
07-08-20 11:43:03
staticnetwork ::: Favorites
There are false gods and there is the True God. Make any sense?
07-08-22 01:06:19
ChurchBandit ::: Favorites
Hi <b>static</b> The expression, "<b>false gods</b>" <u>does not appear any where</u> n/t Bible. It is a <u>made up (<b>FALSE?</b>) concept</u> by <b> early European Christianity</b> complimenting their "<b>only ONE God</b>" doctrine. But <u>there were</u> <b>false Prophets</b>! Be that as it may, the ancient Hebrews did believe in t/<u>one <b>TRUE</b> God, <b>Yahweh</b></u>. But <u>by THAT</u> they meant <b>FAITHFUL God</b>, <u>who they could always depend on</u>. Make any sense? &#9827;
07-08-22 10:19:44
staticnetwork ::: Favorites
1Co 8:4 Then concerning the eating of things sacrificed to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God except one. 1Co 8:5 For even if some are called gods, either in the heavens or on the earth; (even as there are many gods, and many lords); 1Co 8:6 but to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we by Him.
07-08-22 20:53:32

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