Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Cruelty of Islam

Duration: 04:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-06 17:52:16
User: exmuslim879
:::: Favorites

Many have the false belief that islam is peaceful, but there is no hiding the violent and inhumane teaching that are in the Quran. Please, leave the horrors of Islam and join the rest of humanity. Please visit WWW.FAITHFREEDOM.ORG, its a site maintained by ex-muslims who have worked hard to expose Islam. There has been an offer made, if you prove them wrong and you will receive 50,000 dollars; so far no-one has been able to.

kip192 ::: Favorites
and btw all what he writed there didint came out the islam all of his stupid head and he shows terror clips and cruelty clips to try to let u see that the islam is so bad... sad
07-08-27 08:11:38
kip192 ::: Favorites
sigh idiots think they know the world of islam only can talk bad about it dont u see tht clips idiot? terror and bout that cut off hands tht was years ago and came for in every country-.- you need years to know the islam shut it moslim haters get a life and look to your own country or anything
07-08-27 08:09:48
HardcoreHorrorChick ::: Favorites
We don't bomb schools, nursery schools,crowded markets, police stations, Army recruting stations ,hospitals, or bomb planes and buildings killing 3000 innocent people, ISLAMICS DO! We don't behead, flog ,hang homosexuals, allow wife abuse, amputate "evil" limbs, condone pedophilia,or honor kill. ISLAMICS DO!!
07-08-27 16:07:51
HardcoreHorrorChick ::: Favorites
Islam grew with BLOOD. The great (NOT) Prophet of Islam in one hand carried the Qur'an, and in the other hand carried a sword. Islam is the Religion of BLOOD for the infedels but a religion of "guidance" for the other people. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khoemini .
07-08-23 13:15:12
HardcoreHorrorChick ::: Favorites
Any nation or power that gets in the way of the goal, Islam will fight and destroy, in order to fulfill that goal Islam can use any power available every way it can to be used to bring worldwide revolution. This is Jihad. Sayeed Abdul A'la Maududi
07-08-22 14:21:03
HardcoreHorrorChick ::: Favorites
Quote: Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn't look for a nation to be in a better condition than other nations. Islam doesn't care about the land or who owns the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Continued...
07-08-22 14:07:36
HardcoreHorrorChick ::: Favorites
Quote: Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn't look for a nation to be in a better condition than other nations. Islam doesn't care about the land or who owns the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Continued...
07-08-22 14:07:07
MidNightShooter13 ::: Favorites
stupid not all muslums are like that
07-08-21 16:58:37
Shalaby007 ::: Favorites
a religion should NOT be judged by a misguided followers!!! a religion should be judged by its TEACHINGS.
07-08-21 16:17:45
Captaindck2 ::: Favorites
Yes this is true. Why not look at the false prophet of islam who had sex with a 9 year old girl, and molested her before that, not a prophet. Or how about the shite leader. Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran who says "A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with girl younger than nine,other sexual acts such as foreplay,rubbing,kissing and sodomy is allowed."
07-08-23 06:24:22
Shalaby007 ::: Favorites
Islaam teaches that all religions originally had the same essential message - which was to submit whole-heartedly to the will of God and to worship Him and Him alone. For this reason, Islam is not a new religion but is the same divinely revealed Ultimate Truth that God revealed to all prophets, including Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus.
07-08-21 16:16:56
HardcoreHorrorChick ::: Favorites
Funny how the Bible is over 2000 years old and the Qur'an is 1400. the Quran used the names of Abraham, Moses, Jonah, and Jesus, they're Jewish names,taken from the teachings of the Apostles of Jesus Christ! Jesus WAS JEWISH! SO WERE 11 OF HIS FOLLOWERS. PAUL WAS A GREEK. Mad Muhammad took the teachings from the Apostles and used some of the teachings as a spring board to his twisted Qur'an! And all this time you CLAIM you HATE THE JEWS!
07-08-21 20:03:45
Shalaby007 ::: Favorites
The word "Islam" is an Arabic word that means "submitting and surrendering your will to Almighty God". The word comes from the same root as the Arabic word "salam", which means peace. Unlike the names used for other religions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity, the name for the religion of Islam was both revealed by God and carries a deep spiritual meaning - only by submitting one's will to Almighty God can one obtain true peace both in this life and in the life hereafter.
07-08-21 16:16:29
Turpsup ::: Favorites
07-08-18 06:22:19
RuGolani ::: Favorites
If you believe that you are in denial. these are not days to imagine things, jsut remeber what you see is what you get. and what is real.
07-08-17 22:43:25
ansley3bl10nd ::: Favorites
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07-08-15 09:48:09
intennsive ::: Favorites
very cruel.
07-08-13 03:54:57
DucklingShakespeare ::: Favorites
i wouldn't even dare to start about other cruelties done under the cover of christianity. Your vision is truely blurred if you say that christians or others don't do cruelty!! than i have no more words to say. I believe i know what does islam means, living in that enviroment, i know better who is truely muslim. It's not up to you to decide at least. I'm a humanist by the way not some radical.
07-08-12 11:35:21
HardcoreHorrorChick ::: Favorites
Your statement is: "I know better who is truly Muslim".... REALLY? The families of the terrorists had NO IDEA that they were planning an attack! They were "devoted Muslims!" Terrorists DON'T announce what they are part of a terrorist cell,or go into detail to their family what they are planning. They were brainwashed into beleiving what they were doing was RIGHT. How many more are there that are willing to prove that Islam is PEACEFUL, by killing and BOMBING?
07-08-18 15:35:04
DucklingShakespeare ::: Favorites
If you are not able to understand what i write, then there is no point in discussing. It's obvious that you have a "mission" to do, and naturally you don't want to understand.But I said these attacks and every kind of cruelty are individualistic acts, MISLED AND BRAINWASHED AS YOU SAID. I, AS A MUSLIM (if your narrow mind and little brain can anticipate) cordially abhor those who are cruel and those terrorists.
07-08-24 16:46:38

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